Tricky to navigate Thursday

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As soon as number 35 was called Lance came to.
He groaned, "Shiro, where am I?"
Shiro sighed, "Lance, we're in a hospital waiting room. We've been waiting two and a half hours to get you treated, and you didn't have breakfast." He pulled some sort of candy bar from his pocket, "eat this so you don't pass out."
"Eh... no thanks, the smell of food is currently sickening."
"That's not good," Shiro grimaced, running his fingers through his hair.
"Quiznak, it's hot in here... is it just me?" Lance moaned quietly, slumping further down into his seat.
"Number 41?" The nurse called, an Olkari stood up and followed her through the door.
"Almost there bud," Shiro whispered, nervously watching Lance grow pale.
"Number 42?" The nurse finally smiled. Shiro picked Lance up and followed her through the door.
"Papá, no me siento bien," Lance muttered, a venomous fire coursing through his veins.
"I know, you're going to be fine, I promise."
Lance lost conciousness, and Shiro ran him into the ER.
"What seems to be the pro-" the Galran doctor began but was quickly cut off by the exasperated and worry-worn Shiro.
"He overdosed on these, he took three!" Shiro threw the bottle at the doctor and set Lance down on the table.
"How long has it been since he took them?" The doctor inquired, quickly reading the label and sending a nurse to retrieve the necessary equipment.
"4 vargas."
"Damn, we'll take care of him." The doctor smiled reassuringly. "If you'll go back to the waiting room."
"No. I'm not leaving his side. Also, I need to be examined by a nurse."
A nurse walked over after handing the doctor the equipment.
"...why?" The doctor asked, setting up the equipment.
"Shark attack," Shiro sighed, removing his shirt. The nurse rubbed him down with some liquid that burnt. Meanwhile, Lance had a tube shoved down his throat and got his stomach pumped.
"You've got so many scars," the nurse sighed.
Shiro watched Lance in silence, the doctor unhooked everything, double-checked Lance's vitals, and smiled at Shiro. "Good news, you'll be able to go home in a varga. Bad news, he'll be starving but unable to eat for the next six."
"Really?" Shiro asked hopefully.

About thirty doboshes later, Lance drifted back into conciousness. Shiro was sitting at the foot of Lance's table at this point because the nurse wanted the other table for some guy who'd been attacked by a rock monster.
"Shiro?" Lance thought he was having a really weird dream and spoke Spanish accordingly. "¿Por qué estás en mi cama sin camisa?"
"Porque el tipo que tomó mi cama tuvo un accidente monstruo de la roca." Shiro replied, blushing as the nurse giggled.
"Pero, ¿por qué no tienes una camisa?"
"Because we're in the hospital, Lance."
"Oh~ that makes a lot more sense..."
"Yep, you'll be able to leave in an hour." Shiro smiled, he still had a varge before he could put a shirt on, otherwise the solution's effects would be negated.
They heard the head nurse yelling from down the hall. "This is most irregular, what in Zarkon's name is that?!"
"Cool your ears, lady!" A small female growled.
"I'm so sorry," Keith apologized to the nurse as Pidge ran up and down the hallway looking for the right room.
"Hey! I found Shiro," Pidge smiled, yelling to the others down the hall, "and he's not wearing a shirt!"
"Pidge, you should be less excited about that."
"Yeah, that's my daddy you're talking about." Lance smirked, sitting up.
Keith and Hunk stepped into the doorway, and Keith looked vaguely disturbed.
"Did you just call Shiro daddy?"
Hunk had to step out of the room and resist the urge to laugh.
"Lance, Dad, we brought you gifts!" Pidge smiled, kneeling on the ground and digging through her backpack.
"Food for Lance," Pidge handed him a sandwich, which was quickly grabbed by a nurse.
"No food for 5 and a quarter vargas!" She snipped, confiscating, and later eating, the sandwich.
"Well," Pidge stared as the nurse left, "that sucks. Oh, and for father, Hunk found this stuffed shark."
Hunk gave Shiro the miniature black shark.
"Thank you," Shiro smiled at them.
An Olkari nurse walked in, "Mr. McClain, you're clear to go. As are you Mr. Shirogane, just remember to keep that shirt off for 30 doboshes."
"NO." The nurse flat-out commanded.
"Alright," Shiro sighed, grabbing his shirt and sticking it in Pidge's backpack, "let's go to the mall, I actually have to get some things."

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