Chapter 32

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"Oi. If you're planning to kill someone, try and not make your presence too obvious." I told the man before making a slit in his neck.

But then, another man came up behind me and tried to attack my ankle. I jumped to avoid the man's attack and  kicked him square in the head. Looking over my shoulder to see Sebastian fighting away some men while Ceil and Alois staring at each other, face filled with determination as they both have knives drawn out.

"You're going to for what mayhem you caused!" The black haired boy yelled.

"What mayhem did I cause?" The blonde smirked and then, they went into battle mode. First, Ceil pounced on Alois and he blocked Ceil with his kinfe, almost making a slit in his cheek. Ceil then used one of his legs to kick Alois in the ankles so he would fall, which he did. But before he could stab the older boy, Alois used his kinfe to make a slash across his chest, but Ceil moved back.

"Dont get hurt Ceil." I manged to say while strangling a man. The man passed out and I let go of him. I then walked over to Ceil, where all of a sudden, he stabbed Trancy in the stomach three times in a row.

"STOP IT!!" The blonde yelled. Ceil stopped to listen to the boy's cries. "J-just stop and h-hear me out. Your money.....your money is in the case." Here..." He handed Ceil a peice of a paper before closing his eyes. After receiving the peice of paper, Ceil stabbed the boy two more times just to make sure he's dead. The twelve year old stood up and wiped away some blood on his face. Walking over to the case somewhere in the room, he used the peice of paper to open it. He grabbed a suitcase with his named carved in it and then we left. The two of us met up with Sebastian later on.

"You covered the house in gasoline already?" He asked.

"Yes I did. We should leave." Sebastian repiled.

"Let's." Ceil then lit up a lighter and thew it on the ground behind him, starting a fire in the mansion. We got back in the carriage and fleeing the scene. On the way back, Ceil had a stupid devilish grin on his face, making me think that he's planning something that obviously has to do with me.

"Just what the hell goes on in that little brain of yours?" I asked the younger boy. He then looked back at me with a lost expression on his face.

"Wha?" He said, awfully confused.

"Nevermind..." I sighed before turning my body to look out of the window. I just wonder when Mark would come to his sense and come look for me. It literally doesn't take that long to save a girl. Roiling my eyes at the stupid fact, my mind started to drift off to different things. Moments later, we were back at the house, and when we entered it, it looked much emptier than before. All of a sudden, there were hands on my body, pulling me somewhere.

"H-hey!" I said before being pushed into a chair. I was then strapped donw to the chair. Obviously, I started to move around and yell out. "Oi! Get me out!!" I cried. Then, Ceil came out of the blackness with some sort of machine in his hands. I furrowed my brows and looked at the weird device in his hands. "What the hell is that?"

"Oh! This?"

"Dont play dumb with me boy. What is that?" I asked once more.

"Oh just a little something something I found in a closet of mine. I wanted to see if it still worked." He repiled and came closer. Apparently, someone was behind me and they grabbed my foot, more of my big toe. Ceil placed my toe in the device. 'Is this what I think it is?' Pain then started to fill up in the area where my big toe was. It was a nail remover and he was removing my the big nail on my foot. Why?!

"AHHHHHH!!!!" I yelled out due to the the unbearable pain he caused. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!?"

"I was just seeing if it works. Oh well. I guess it does. Now fix her up Sebastian." He commented beofre leaving my vision. Sebastian then came over to bandage my toe up.

"H-hey! You're just gonna let him do this?!" No response. "Answer me damn it!" No response again. Sebastian just finshed up and went on, minding his own business, leaving me and my cries.

*Mark's P.O.V*

I had to think of something. I obviously can't let my other be tortured yet I don't know where I could get this money he wants. It's not like I could do a fundraiser or something because I wouldn't rase enough money and I bet you the people don't have that type of money. I have to improvise. But how? A knock on my door took me out of my thoughts and back to reality.

"Come in." I said and Amy came in, with a cup of tea in her hands. She set the steaming cup on my drawer and took a seat on the bed.

"Your highness, what are we gonna do?" She asked.

"I..." I started. "I don't know. They're requesting £100000, but I don't have that type of money to just give out." I groaned and pinched the bridge on my nose.

"I-it's gonna be ok. Just, please don't stress out." I then stood up to my feet, stressed.

"Well, you just saying that made me stressed." I barked.

"I was just tryi-"

"You were just trying to help? I think you helped enough, Amy!" I yelled the two last words by accident. The girl stood there, stunned by my words. "I'm sorry. I-I...." I sighed.

"It's ok. I fully understand." She said. There, we stood in silence for a few moments. "How about, that's stupid." I truned to look at her. I was curious of the girl's idea.

"How about we..?" I asked, waiting for her to continue her thought.

"I-it's nothing " She protested.

"No, tell me what you're gonna say." I said.

"I was thinking we should give him the family's diamond since it's worth like billions. I know, it's a very stupid idea." She commented. The Fischbach diamond. A diamond that my one of my ansestors made by his own two hands. He found the material by himself, molded it by himself and carved the 'Fischbach' name into the diamond by himself. He even, somehow, implemented fresh water from Mount Fiji. That's basically what made the 'Fischbach' name since people said he couldn't do it. And well, it's worth millions.

"No, it's not stupid." I said. "It could be a possibility...."

(AN: who ever knew vocaloid was so good? At first, I was like "Wft is this bs? This is just a waste of time." Then after listening to a song, completely, I was like "LEN FUCCK ME UPPPP!!" I'm such a complex person. Even my friends call me complicated. Oh well. But ANYWAYS

Thanks for reading,

And I'll see you,

In the next chapter.



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