Eons Ago

239 7 2

[Child/Human AU]

A small girl with pale blue hair sits in the shade, a book in her lap. Her cobalt blue eyes hide behind blue wire circular glasses. She sighs as she reads quietly.

Close by, a girl with bright yellow hair is also reading a book. Some kids are trying to talk to her, but her vocabulary is far too large for them so they leave.

She sighs coldly and shakes her head. The blue girl recognizes her. Yellow Circonia. She's from a pretty rich family but isn't spoiled or rude. Perhaps she's lonely.

"Hello, uh..."

The girl looks up and adjusts her glasses. "Yellow Circonia." She supplies.

The blue eyed girl smiles sheepishly. "I'm Blue Circonia." She says, holding out her hand. Yellow happily shakes her hand.

The two end up talking all through recess and even as they walk to class.

Yellow is happy. She's finally met someone who can understand her.

Blue is happy. She's finally met someone to talk to and someone who is 'on her wavelength', as her mom would say.

The two hang out more and more, and somewhere along the line, their feelings of friendship turned into something else.

Blue's belittling family would never approve of it.
Yellow's harsh, absent family would never approve of it either.

So their friendship bloomed into love.

A hidden one, the type that fills your heart. The type that is shared in pillow forts and snacks. Whispered words, stolen kisses.

And the two were content to keep it like that.

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