Stay Awhile, Won't You?

212 8 12

[Human AU

BZ: Star, YZ: Jackie
Names based on:

BZ: Star, YZ: Jackie Names based on:

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Star grumbles to herself, muttering something under her breath. It's not that she's cold, she's just annoyed. Even as the snow falls down outside, she sighs and sips at her coffee. She's been staring at this paper all day.

Maybe a break wouldn't hurt.

She puts on a coat and heads outside. Her boots make imprints in the snow as she wanders along. She's just moved here, so she's practically lost. Star sighs as some snow falls onto her glasses. "Curses." She mumbles, cleaning them off carefully.

She looks around, not too surprised to see that there's almost no one else out. Except an odd bundle of pale yellow coats, hats and scarves. Whoever's in there is barely visible. All Star can really see is a pair of light yellow glasses not unlike her own blue ones.

"Hey, aren't you cold?" The bundle of coats and all asks. "No; I don't get cold easily." The girl chuckles. "Wish I could say the same about myself, but no. I get cold way too easily." She smiles, adjusting her scarf carefully. "I'm Jacinth, but everyone calls me Jackie. What about you?"

"I'm Star." She replies, noting that Jackie is still shivering, even under all her coats and whatnot. "Here." She takes off her coat, smiling as she noticed the other's eyes widen.

"Here..." She says awkwardly. Jackie puts on the coat, and an odd, timid silence follows.

"Hey, you look oddly familiar." Star says, trying to ease the awkwardness between them. Her thoughts are all over the place, trying to pinpoint just where she may have seen her before.

"A girl with bright yellow hair and eyes is sure hard to forget, right Star?"
Star rolls her eyes chidingly.

Right. She remembers now. Jackie Circonia, her rival of several years ago. Star hasn't seen her in a long time, so she didn't recognize her right away at first.

She hasn't changed much, it seems.

"Hey. Quick question: may I stay with you? My heating system is broken and it'll take a long time to fix..." Jackie notes, playing with the fringe of her scarf.

"Sure thing. Come on!" She laughs as she runs ahead, Jackie stumbling along behind her. Star turns around occasionally to make sure she's still following.

As the two walk in, Star helps Jackie out of all the heavy coat layers. "Wow. You have more coats on now than I've had in my whole life!" Star says with a grin. Jackie smiles. "If I don't, I'll end up sick." She explains with a shrug. Star nods slowly. "Spring and Summer are the worst times for me. All those allergens in the air..." She shudders just thinking about it.

Jackie laughs. "For me, it's just the opposite; my worst seasons are Autumn and Winter! It just gets so cold so quickly!" Star nods and disappears into the kitchen.

"Wait there, please? I have something for you..."

Jackie tilts her head, but stays where she is. Cleaning off her glasses, she sighs quietly. Her glasses fog up so quickly in the cold.

Star soon returns with a cup of hot chocolate. Jackie grins as Star sets it down on the table. Star turns to her and is about to say something when Jackie throws her arms around her and hugs her.

"Thank you so much!" She says happily. Hot chocolate is one of her favorite drinks, next to tea. She practically inhales the hot drink and sighs contentedly.

"Thank you." She murmurs, feeling sleepy. As Jackie lays down on the couch, Star smiles and goes to get some blankets. Draping them over the other, she's about to leave when Jackie stirs quietly and looks up at her.

"Stay here with me?" She asks softly. Star's face turns a gentle rose color. "Of course. about somewhere more comfortable?"

Seeing Jackie's nod, Star scoops her up, blankets and all, and carries her into her own room. Setting her onto the bed, Star happily curls up next to her.

"You're such a sweet person, Star." Jackie whispers in her half-asleep state. Star chuckles. "I try my best, darling."

"Darling?" Jackie asks, her eyes barely open. Star freezes up and quickly shakes her head. "Don't mind it. I mean, I don't mean it like that, I'm not that forward of a person, I just-"

Her rambling is cute, but she shouldn't worry so much. So Jackie quiets her the best way she knows.

A gentle kiss. Star freezes, just as Jackie knew she would. Perhaps she's being too straightforward. Star has no idea what to do; she's never been kissed before. Especially not by her former rival.

She cautiously kisses back. It's warm and sweet, the taste of hot chocolate lingering.

It's funny how things change over time, she thinks with a small chuckle.

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