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Hey, I haven't updated in awhile, and I'm sorry about that... shit's been going on lately.
I fucked up.
Big time.
I'm not going to tell you how, because I don't want you to hate me, but let's just say I'm weak.
I'm human.
I make mistakes, big or small, and I hate myself for making them.
I need to straighten out my fucked-up mess.
I went into the basement. Those of you who know me on G+ will know what I mean (lol no they won't, nobody gives two shits). It happened, and honestly, I don't care anymore. What's done is done, and I feel better for having done it.
But there are other fuck ups, way worse than this one.
(Jesus, this chapter makes no sense to anyone but me.)
Also: my parents are moving in with my mom's dad, and if DCYF approves my grandfather and his house, I'll get to go back to live with my parents. There's a library literally across the street, so that's good. Edit: AUGH HE HAS NO INTERNET BUT HE'S KINDA COOL BUT THE INTERNET
I'm going to meet my grandfather tomorrow. Scary shit, man.
He lives in Gloucester, in a cottage, is 71, and shorter than my mom, who is approximately 5 feet tall.
But anyway, regardless of the mistakes I keep making for some reason, or any other shit that's happening in my life, I'm not going to stop updating. That's not fair to you (I mean, if you read my stories. Otherwise, it's inconsequential.), and besides, updating my stories lets me release emotions.
So, I'm sorry for slowing down, but I'll be able to update more in a bit.
Until then,
Happy shipping!

(P.S. I think it's funny that I managed to make even this "story" depressing XD)

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