Something To Believe In

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Here's an excerpt from my new book that's in the works:

A hissing noise reverberated around her, and a faint chuckle was heard. "Hey, Alexa, know you can't run, don't you? You especially can't hide either, because I'm very good at hide-and-seek..." A voice, gravelly and whiny and teasing, hissing out of the dark.

She shrieked again, and stumbled to her knees. Backing up until her back hit the damp wall, she cast her eyes futilely around in the dark. "Leave me alone!" She screamed, listening to the echoes, noticing that it was silent all of a sudden.

And then he came out in front of her, the dark melting off of him like a shawl, trailing behind him.

"Found you."

So, there it is! And that's just a bit of the prologue. Much more is in store.

(P.S. pls help I need ideas for what you guys want to happen for my stories bcause I forgot my plotlines)

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