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Try as she might, Valui Dyer couldn't escape the fate she was soon to meet.

She didn't think this would happen — but then, her family told her that she never thought a lot of the time. She was just going to the convenient store down the street from her house. Sure, it was a little later than usual and the sky was starting to turn dark, but nothing bad ever happened around these parts.

Or so she liked to think.

A man had grabbed her by one of her arms and had drug her into an alleyway behind the store. She tried to scream, but her mouth had been covered tightly by a large hand. For any normal person, this would have been an easy predicament to escape from — beyond easy, even.

But Valui Dyer wasn't normal.

She was part of the 20% of humans that didn't have a superpower — Quirkless was the polite way of putting it. She had no power, let alone any physical strength. "The heroes will do all the fighting for you," her parents had told her time and time again. It was easy for them to say — they had Quirks. Her mother could solve any mathematical problem in an instant, whereas her father had advanced hearing. They weren't the most amazing Quirks in the world, but they were something.

While Valui had been left with nothing.

Nothing but whatever cruel fate this man had in store for her.

"What are you doing?"

The sudden voice made the man lose his grip on Valui, the small girl stumbling to the ground. Her legs were shaking too much to support her weight. The man looked over his shoulder to respond to whoever was back there.

A hero? Someone came to save me?

"What does it look like?" he snapped. "Scram ki—"

The man stopped, his body stiffening and freezing in place. Valui stared up at him, a mixture of confusion and fear in her eyes. What was going on?

"Go and turn yourself in to the police."

The voice behind the man spoke, and the man started walking without resistance. Out of the alleyway he walked, rounding a corner so he was out of Valui's sight entirely. From the end of the alley, a figure walked out of the shadows and toward her.

Instinctively, the blonde girl shrunk back out of fear, her body curling in on itself. Once the figure was close enough, she could tell that it was a boy, probably around her age. Her reaction to his presence made him frown lightly as he stuck one of his hands out to her.

"I'm not going to hurt you." His voice, while having an undertone of apathy, was gentle and sent a wave of comfort over her. "I saved you."

Valui reached a shaky hand out to grip his, allowing him to pull her up. She couldn't see any of his features in the dark, but she didn't need to to know he was looking at her — down at her; he was nearly a foot taller than her.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Despite him saying that, he waited for Valui to nod before he began leading her out of the alley and back to the convenient store. He didn't let go of her hand, the warmth that radiated from his palm made Valui's tense muscles relax.

She was safe.

It wasn't until they were inside the convenient store that their hands parted from each other. Valui could see him now — wild, unruly purple hair; tired, purple eyes with dark circles under them; and uneven teeth.

"I'm Hitoshi." It took him speaking his name to pull her back to reality and make her stop trying to commit his face to memory.


You're my hero.

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