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Valui's face turned bright red.

Izuku stared for a moment before turning into a flustered and stammering mess. Hitoshi let out a soft scoff and stood up straight again. "Weren't you going somewhere?"

"Y-yeah—" Izuku turned to start walking away, but stopped and waved to Valui. "B-bye Valui!" He half jogged away as Valui waved back to him.

Hitoshi seemed to let out a breath and relax when they were alone again. His arm slid off her shoulders; his body turned to face her. The anger that had been in his eyes melted away and was replaced with concern when he noticed the bandage on her wrist. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

Valui shook her head. "N-no, I'm fine now." His concern faded, though not by much. "I was trying to find you, but I ran into that Katsuki guy and fell down a-and then Izuku took me to the nurse."

Hitoshi sighed softly and glanced to the side. He seemed to mumble something to himself before looking back to her. "At least you're alright now."

Valui nodded, then her face lit up like a firework. "I saw you in the tournament, though!" She was nearly bouncing with excitement. She took both of his hands in hers, pressing their palms together and lacing her fingers with his. "You did great!"

Hitoshi's eyes darted away from hers and then back again. "I lost."

Valui shrugged, swinging their arms lightly. "So?" The smile on her face didn't falter. "You still got up to the last round of the whole festival." Her smile softened now, and her voice got softer as well. "You were amazing."

Hitoshi's face turned red. He slid his hands out of hers and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close to him in a hug. His chin rested on the top of her head as her cheek pressed against his chest. Valui blushed darkly, but her arms snaked loosely around his back. He smelled like sweat and faintly something else — something that was specific just to him; something that made her feel immensely relaxed and safe.

"At least you think so."

"Of course I do." She shut her eyes contentedly, pressing her nose more against his chest. She felt Hitoshi lift his head up slightly and kiss the top of her head. He mumbled something against her hair, but it was too quiet for Valui to make it out.

Hitoshi lifted his head up after a moment and looked down at her. "Do you want to watch the rest of the festival with me?"

Valui raised her own head up, her eyes opening slowly — she was still tired, but she still didn't know why. She nodded and smiled happily. "Y-yeah, I'd love to."

With what seemed like reluctance, Hitoshi let his arms drop from her shoulders, which led to Valui doing the same. His hand was slipped into hers — the one that wasn't bandaged — and their fingers were laced together again. Valui sidestepped closer to him as Hitoshi started leading her in the opposite direction she had come from with Izuku.

"Are you having fun?"

Valui looked up as he side glanced down at her. She nodded, her hair bouncing lightly around her face. "I am. I'm really glad you managed to get me a ticket."

She saw Hitoshi smile faintly, his hand squeezing hers just a little tighter. "Yeah, me too."

They climbed a small flight of stairs and emerged in a balcony type outcropping of seats. The seats were filled with other UA students — Valui could tell since they were all wearing the same uniform that Hitoshi was wearing. A number of heads turned toward them, but one's question made them all look up.

"Is that your girlfriend, Hitoshi?"



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