twenty five.

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a/n: there was no condom, you guys :^)


Happiness was the first thing Valui felt when her brain woke up. Hitoshi's chest rising and falling with his breathing, gently lifting her head with it, was the second thing.

I love you. 

It was the only thing that she could think of; the only thing that was important enough for her to think of. She shifted, trying to get closer to him despite it probably being impossible. Her movement made Hitoshi's arms tighten around her; he let out a soft noise, his nose nuzzling her hair.

"You up?" His question was whispered, like he was afraid of waking her prematurely.

"Uh-huh," Valui managed to mumble back, sleep threatening to take her again. "Barely."

Her answer got a small, amused chuckle out of him. "You can keep sleeping if you want." A kiss was pressed to the top of her head, fingers aimlessly tracing lines on her back before his arms slowly unwrapped themselves from her. "I'm gonna get up, alright?"

Valui forced a small nod out, scooting backward as Hitoshi climbed off the bed; his absence left an immedate cold feeling over her that made her curl up tightly under the covers. Having to move woke her up more — an eye opened partly, sleep-blurred vision locking on to Hitoshi's figure. He had just finished pulling on the pajama pants he had worn last night, now crouching down to pick up the shirt he wore as well. Valui watched his eyebrows knit together, gaze shifting from the floor to her face.

"I, uh...can't find the shirt I gave you." A sheepish expression crossed his face as he stood back up, first tossing her underwear onto the bed next to her and then holding the shirt in his hand to her. "Do you want this one instead?"

Valui smiled to herself, her mouth hidden behind the blanket she had curled herself in. "Yeah," she answered, her voice soft and full of happiness. She uncovered one of her arms, reaching out to take the shirt Hitoshi offered to her.

He smiled lightly at her, then turned around to cross the length of the room to go to the closet. Valui managed to dress herself without having to move very much; she shifted and laid her head on the pillow, watching the spot where Hitoshi stood. She watched the muscles in his back move as he searched through the hanging clothes; as he ran a hand through his hair to fix it; as he found a shirt and pulled it on.

Hitoshi left the closet, swinging the door shut and going back to where Valui was still laying on the bed. He smiled again down at her, running a hand through her bangs; though he blinked a little when his fingers left her hair — her hairpins where in between them. "Oh— Sorry. Uh... Here." He leaned down and, with more hesitation than Valui thought necessary, slipped the pins back into her bangs, pinning them back and out of her face.

Valui smiled and sat up, the blanket falling into her lap and the top of the shirt sliding down her shoulder. The action made a small wave of pain shoot up her body; it wasn't very painful, but the surprise of it made a grimace flash across her face. Hitoshi's expression changed almost immediately — his light, happy look melted into one of concern.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt or anything, are you?" He had stepped closer to the bed, looking ready to catch her were she to fall — had her wince been so bad that he thought she was in serious pain? "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

The question brought the memory of the previous night to her mind, which then brought a shade of red to her face. She smiled, though, shaking her head lightly. "No, I'm just a little sore is all."

Hitoshi let out a breath, then smiled lightly again. "Okay, good." He finished his sentence by kissing her forehead, his lips lingering there for longer than they normally did. "I love you, Valui."

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