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first, i want to say that i'm sorry to all the people who actually read and enjoy this story for what it is. you all are the reason this story was able to go on for as long as it did, and i appreciate every one of you. if it wasn't for you all, i probably would have stopped writing this after a few chapters and never returned to it.

however, for some reason, there's an overwhelming amount of people that actively try to make my story that features my original character into something it's not: an x reader story. i've mentioned that it isn't more times than i can count. i've made a statement about it in the last chapter i updated -- in it, i even asked everyone who does that to stop because it makes me not want to write this story anymore. despite that, very few, if any at all, have stopped. i don't know how many times and different ways i have to say this. i'm not sure how many more times i can keep being polite about it.

this is not an x reader story. stop erasing my original character i've created. if you don't like oc x canon stories, leave. if you want to read an x reader, go find one. do not treat my story as if it is an x reader because it is not.

maybe this all sounds selfish or bitchy or what-have-you, but frankly, i don't care anymore. i'm not going to make allegories and similes to explain how frustrating, annoying, and hurtful it is to have innumerable amounts of people essentially shit on something that you've spent hours, days, weeks, and months to create. the people who do that clearly don't care, since they ignore everything i say anyway, and telling those who do understand would be preaching to the choir.

i don't want to write this anymore if everyone is just going to walk all over me and my story. i don't even want to leave it up. i want to unpublish it, and honestly, i probably will. as much as i don't want to, i've been driven to that point.

to those who this doesn't apply to: i'm genuinely sorry and i hope you'll be able to understand where i'm coming from. dm me if you'd like, and i can explain in more detail.

to those this does apply to (i.e. those who treat this as if it's an x reader): get off my fucking story, i don't want you here anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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