Chapter Three

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I couldn't help but grip the black leathers seat and wonder where they were taking me. Why did I even trust that they weren't some kidnappers taking me to a funky old shack just to use me? My whole body shuddered as I hoped and prayed that wasn't the case. When I lifted my hands to pretended to be occupied with something I noticed finger nail indents on the seat. Oops.

An abundance of cars and street signs past us as we made no intention to slow down at all. A sigh escaped me as a very unusual part of town began to show up. There was nothing but road and a tiny gas station. Where were we? Had we already left town? Oh my gosh they are taking me to Area 51! Wait, what?

Dirt flew from up out of the tires as we skidded to stop in the gas station. Its rusty pumps and greasy doors definitely spoke old and abandoned. Why the heck are we here? The doors on either side of me opened as I hopped out into the sun. Its rays brought a heat to my skin that was all new. How far did we drive exactly?

L gestured for me to follow him. My shoes kicked up dust behind me as we passed by gas pumps spread along the gravel and dust. Letters were almost imprinted across the buildings chipping wall E Z Stop or something like that. Across the deserted lot was a door about to fall off its hinges. Which wouldn't surprise me at all. It looked like this place hadn't been touched in years, or at all. The handle wasn't a handle, well it was a partially a handle, if you count rusted piece of metal tapped to rusted piece of door. Sliding his fingers across the handle there was a faint beep and a futuristic key pad popped out. Woah.

His fingers quickly pressed many numbers in a heartbeat. A dramatic unlocking and swish sound was made as the doors automatically opened to reveal nothing but black. Hesitantly I let my feet guide me into the dark. The doors closed behind me slowly until nothing surrounded me. And L wasn't behind me either.

"L?" I called out and was given no answer. "This isn't funny!" The dark failed to answer. My hands searched for anything to lean upon or find. A door, I needed a way out. "L!" I screamed!

"Welcome." a decapitated voice rang from nowhere. I spun around trying to locate its origin. This really wasn't funny. Light came from behind me and illuminated the room I was in, at least elevator. Her hair was blond and curly and she wore red lipstick that set off her pale complexion. "Amber, you have been on surveillance and full observation for several years now, and finally are ready." She smiled to relax the mood but my body remained tense.

"Where am I? Who am I here to help?"

"Your partner, Ashton Myranda, will help train you. This preparation will help fight against the largest secret terrorists attacks on the US Navy."

"Wait! I need to speak to Mr. L!" But her screen was gone and I was left again in the dark. A boy, a partner, terrorists. I'd rather them erase my memory and send me back to the foster home to live as an outcast til I could join the navy and be as close to Jack as possible.

At least 5 minutes had passed and no one had come to my rescue from the dark. This Ashton guy. What was he like? I've never made friends with anyone easily and this guy will probably think I'm a total weirdo. The least they could've done was pair me up with a girl. Someone who's least judgmental. Maybe he would ignore me so much for his work that I could complain and get a new partner and I wouldn't have to see him and deal with the same gender instead.

10 minutes, 20 minutes. I was starting to think this was a test. My feet fell asleep from sitting on them for so long. Out of habit I wanted to focus on something to distract myself. Yeah, that'll work. I chuckled to myself and laid back. The floor was cool against my neck and my whole body relaxed muscle by muscle.

How long I laid there, I don't know but I heard a scream somewhere outside the elevator. My body shot up like a rocket and my hands were tensed up and ready to strike at anything. The only noise that followed was my heavy breathing. All full circle was made by my eyes and feet. I was ready for whatever was coming, or so I thought.

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