Chapter Seven

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My room was dark through squinted eyes. Lifting my head ever so slowly I decided it was only a figment of my imagination and let my head fall back onto my pillow. Then there was knocking. Soft quiet knocking, persistent knocking.

"Amber!" the voice called again. So it wasn't my imagination. Literally falling out of bed and struggling to remove from the cocoon of covers around me, I struggled to flatten down my hair to make it presentable. Releasing one more yawn my fingers closed around the handle and opened to a beaming Caroline, ready for the day. A laugh escaped her when she noticed out unready I was. Laughing too I told her I would be ready in five minutes.

I didn't think she would be coming back to ask me to breakfast again. I figured I could skip today and worry about the fact that I would have to spend a whole day with Ashton. During my worrying I'd have to think of a way not to kill him if he ever got irritable. Sighing I pulled out, again, my very tight fitting suit of many curves and pockets. After I struggled to pull this piece of fabric on my body, I zipped up and struggled to control my hair. It's always a mess.

Struggling to even pull a comb through it I decided a hairband was in order. Pulling it up into a messy bun and leaving it be I looked half presentable. But its 7 in the morning, I think, so yeah. That's my excuse, its 7 in the freaking morning.

Opening the door once more Caroline had maintained her smile. Giving the best smile I could back we began down those creepy hallways. 

"So where did you escape to last night?" 


"Well I realized I had left a whole letter un-filed and didn't want to have to worry about it, so I just kinda left to go get it done." All she did was nod. I was not a very good liar, trust me. The only thing I could do was pray she believed me and leave it at that. 

The rest of our "walk" was in silence. Comfortable silence I guess, if that's a thing. The smell of food lingered in the air and then I realized how hungry I was. Skipping breakfast would've been bad. Caroline offered to go get food for us, but I objected. 

"It's the last I can do." 

I did want to be nice to her for being nice to me, but I also wanted a waffle. A really nice waffle. A really good yummy waffle that was covered in butter and syrup. I'm pretty sure I was drooling in public and moved the thoughts out of my head. Grabbing a green tray I quickly (more like sprinted) towards the waffles. Still steaming I generously picked up two and placed them neatly on top of each other. Then I grabbed 2 packs of syrup and a little carton of butter. Moving down the line I placed fruit in a bowl for Caroline.

Satisfied with my choices I looked across the Cafeteria to find my group of--- friends. Just admit, they're your friends. Right? That's what friends feels like. Seeing John's hand fly up in the air I followed that through the sea of people, tables, and trays. Plopping down next to Daniel, I handed Caroline her bowl of fruit. In return I earned a smile, but she always has those. 

Spreading on my butter, then pouring my syrup I became very very hungry. Fork and knife in hand I cut my waffle into little two layered pieces. Each was slight soggy with syrup. Delicious. Placing one in my mouth I chewed and joined in on the conversation.

"So yesterday,",Caroline began, "I was walking through the halls and had a big load of papers in my hand," and she continued like this. Rachel became uninterested and our eye contact was slim but I could kind of tell what she was wanting to say. 'Did you find anything?' I wanted to shake my head no, but then I was brought back to the conversation. 

"But then Ashton came by and helped me pick them up. He's so hot." 

Next thing I knew, my delicious waffle was choking me. That whole sentence was scary. Not "my" Ashton. I shouldn't even call him that, it should be more like, Not Ashton my partner. Hitting my chest in a fist I began to cough, signaling I could breathe. 

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