Weather: The Threat

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It was only a few hours ago when everything went downhill.

It was a normal day in the Weather Sect. Well, not exactly normal. Since the Weather Sect announced it's Isolation, it's become very different. It's obvious in your everyday lives. There's not as much food in grocery stores. The grass isn't as cared for as it used to be. The sun doesn't even shine as much. God only knew how much the Weather Sect relied on the Natures till now.

Now, everything's gone downhill. All because of one announcement.

Whatever was on the television changes, like one of those dramatic movies when there's BREAKING NEWS. Up on the screen is a Nature boy of most likely 19 with jet black hair. From his looks, he was most definitely a Purebred.

"The name is Byron Camden, Secretary of the Nature Leader, Azure Skies. I am now currently in the Square of Weather as we speak, and was able to break in due to rebels in your own government. Seems like people don't like you Dash, hmm?" He says and chuckles. This boy represented nothing of what people thought of as the Nature Sect, and it was pretty obvious.

"So...the reason why I'm here is to set things straight. Azure isn't happy with you Weathers, and is willing to do something about it. So, what do we do? We take action. Under the very city you love, and especially under the very place I stand, are bombs. Using the very technology we have been working on, the very technology that destroyed the Fire Sect, we are just about ready to do whatever it takes to get our way. You will come back to Natures side, because you people sadly are our only hope for survival. If you don't, you'll end up exactly as the Fire's did. Got it? Good."

With that, the television goes back to whatever program it was at. In seconds, it dawns on you what exactly is going on.

There are bombs under your Sect, just waiting to be activated.

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