Chapter Twenty-One - "Like a flower loves the sun"

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Brian and Ruby arrived at Brian's house hand in hand, holding bags with clothes. Brian opened the door and they both went inside before removing their shoes. They smiled at each other and tenderly kissed.
“Bri? Ruby? Is that you?”
“Yes mum!”
Ruth appeared in the corridor. She hugged them and noticed the bags.
“Oh! You went shopping then! Show me what you bought!”
They went to the living room and they placed the bags on the table. Ruby took out the four dresses they had bought and the pyjamas. Ruth smiled.
“That's great! I'm sure you look gorgeous in them!”
“Thank you, Ruth, but you know... I'm embarrassed by the fact that you paid those clothes. I'll find a job this summer and I'll pay you back. I can't thank you enough for all the things you're doing for me.”
“Ruby, don't be ridiculous, money doesn't count. If you had stayed at your house, who knows what would have happened to you... Maybe he would have killed you!”
Brian blenched when his mother pronounced those words. He suddenly took Ruby in his arms and buried his face in her hair.
“I can't even imagine what it would have been like!”
Ruth patted Brian's back.
“By the way, I baked more pancakes, do you want some?”
“Oh, thank you so much!”
They ran to the kitchen and took plates that they filled with pancakes. They were laughing, pushing each other like children. Ruth was leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.
“By the way, Harold and I are going out tonight, don't you mind if you both stay at home?”
“Oh, no, not at all.”
“Do you want to cook something by yourself or do you want me to give you money for two pizzas?”
Brian and Ruby looked at each other.
“What do you prefer, dear?” he asked.
“Well, I can cook something. They don't sell vegetarian pizzas anyway” he laughed.
Ruby playfully ran a hand in his curls and shook them. He imitated a lion roaring and put down his plate before tickling her. They were both laughing out loud in the middle of the kitchen.
“You were meant for each other, that's the least we can say!” Ruth sighed.
They giggled and took back their plates before sitting at the table, next to each other. They quietly ate their pancakes. Meanwhile, Ruth was upstairs, putting a dress on, and Harold was taking a shower. He put on a shirt and went to their bedroom where Ruth was still getting dressed. He put his arms around her and kissed her hair.
“You look fabulous, honey.”
“Oh, Harold, don't exaggerate” she blushed.
“I'm not. Are you ready to go?”
“Let me put on that dress and take a necklace, and I will.”
He smiled and helped her to zip her dress in the back. He also helped her to close the clasp of the necklace behind her neck. They kissed and went downstairs. Harold walked up to Brian and Ruby, who were still eating and telling jokes.
“Oh, dad! You look good in that shirt.”
“Thanks, Bri. So, your mother told me about an audition for your band, how has it been?”
“It's been great! Oh this guy is awesome! We hired him immediately.”
“That's nice! Well, we're going out. Be good while we're out, huh?”
Brian blushed and Ruby giggled. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders and smiled.
“Of course we will, Harold!”
Harold winked at Brian, who blushed even more and tried to hide his face. Ruth put on her high heeled shoes and her jacket. Harold did the same – but he didn't put on high heeled shoes of course. They grabbed their keys on a chest of drawers and they opened the door.
“Be good, kids! See you later or tomorrow morning!”
“Have a nice evening!”
Then, they closed the door. A few seconds later, they heard the car starting up and driving away. Ruby kissed Brian's cheek.
“Oh, dear, I swear you should have seen your face! It was hilarious!”
“Don't look for troubles, Ruby Riley Franklin, I might take a revenge!” he grinned.
“I'm not afraid of you, Brian Harold May!”
“Oh, really?”
As he was about to tickle her, she jumped out of her chair and ran in the whole house, followed by Brian who imitated a serial killer. As she was running in the living room, Brian almost caught her. Her foot tripped on the couch and they both fell on it, bursting out laughing. They tenderly kissed and Brian stroked her cheeks.
“We are nothing more than tall kids!” he laughed.
“That's so true! Now I'm thinking about something: are you 22 or 12?”
“Definitely 12” he smiled, giggling. “Are you 11 or 21?”
“Definitely 21.”
“Are you sure?”
Then, he tickled her again.
“OKAY! FINE! I'M 11! I'M 11!” she screamed, almost out of breath. He stopped tickling her and stroked her hair instead. He gave her a tender look, which make her feel a bit uncomfortable. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“I love looking at you. It feels like I'm falling in love over and over again.”
She blushed and kissed him. Their lips were stroking one another, while they entertwined their fingers. They broke off their embrace and gazed at each other intensively. Ruby cupped his face in her hands and gave him the sweetest kiss that she could ever give. They sat down on the couch, and Brian's hands ran through her hair; one of them ran down her back and got up again. Ruby kissed his neck and gently bit one of his earlobes.
“I want you, Brian May.” she whispered.
“You do?” he whispered back as his lips went down to her neck, slowly kissing it and biting it from time to time. Shivers ran up and down her spine. She carefully grabbed a handful of curls and faced him.
“You have no idea.”
He grinned and kissed her on the lips again. She stood up and grabbed his hand, went up the stairs and went to her bedroom. They both got in and closed the door behind them. As soon as the doorknob clicked, Brian almost jumped on her. He pinned her against the door and kissed her again and again, one hand on her waist, the other one in her hair. She removed his t-shirt, placing her hands on his warm skin, caressing it. He unbuttoned her blouse hurriedly and removed it, throwing it on the floor. He pulled her against him.
“Hold me tight, Bri” she whispered.
He put his arms around her and pressed her tighter against his chest. While they were kissing, Ruby could feel his accelerated heartbeats under her fingers. She bit his lip and pulled it between her teeth. He smiled playfully and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, still kissing him. He carried her to the bed on which he carefully laid her down, trying not to break off their embrace. He placed his legs on each of her sides and slowly let his warm body lie on hers. She let her hands run up and down his arms and back. Then, she slipped one hand under him and unbuttoned his jeans. He removed him and threw it behind him, before removing her own trousers. They both put off their socks and kissed. He looked at her, blushing, and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
“Yes, Bri?”
“I love you. I deeply love you. Like... Like a flower loves the sun.” he whispered with a gorgeous smile, revealing his white teeth.
“I love you so much, Bri. I love you like Ruby loved Brian, simply.”
He giggled and kissed her. Then, he hugged her and buried his face in the hollow of her neck.
“Oh I wish I could spend my whole life with you...”
“Why don't you?”
He smiled and kissed her tenderly. Once again, his lips went on an adventure down her neck and on her body. They both removed their underwear they threw across the room. They buried themselves under the sheets and passionately made love to each other. Once they finished, they just spent an hour or two cuddling under the sheets. Ruby was lying on her back, and Brian on the side, his cheek on her collar bones, his curls tickling her neck. They entertwined their fingers.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being here.”
He rolled his eyes with a grin and stroked her hand with his thumb.
“I'll never let you down, love. If I do, it's also myself that I let down.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because I belong to you. My whole heart belongs to you. If I let you down, I'd be empty.”
She blushed and kissed his mass of curls.
“I must thank you, too.” he whispered.
“You make my life brighter, and I feel happy. What would I be without you, mh?”
She smiled and kissed him. With the tip of his nose, he caressed her cheek, his eyes closed. He cleared his throat and opened them.
“Oh, by the way, are you hungry, love?”
“Just a bit.”
“Let's cook something.”
He stood up, completely naked, and walked up to the mirror that was nailed on the wall. Ruby admired his back side with a shy smile.
“Mr May, may I tell you that your buttocks are really well shaped? God did a wonderful job on them!”
He relaxed his shoulders and giggled. He turned around, his hands on his hips and in a playful tone, he said:
“What about this side?”
Ruby bursted out laughing and almost fell out of bed. He laughed too but tried to keep a serious expression on his face.
“Oh, really, that's what you think then...”
He started to walk up to the door and Ruby ran to him, out of breath.
“No, my lovely Bri, it's just that... Haha... That you surprised me with your punchline! I didn't expect that. And the way you looked, oh God...”
“Yeah, that's what you say!”
She giggled once agin: her cheeks were red and her eyes were half-closed and shining. He couldn't resist. He laughed and hugged her.
“Oh dear Lord, I adore you, sweetheart.”
“My Bri, I adore you too!”
They kissed tenderly. Then, they picked up their clothes and got dressed. They went downstairs and Brian simply cooked pastas with a salad and a steak for Ruby, though she insisted on the fact she wanted to eat the same things as him. They quietly emptied their plates before washing them. Brian made popcorn he put in a bowl, and the sat on the couch, watching a concert on TV. When Harold and Ruth got back home, they found the two birds asleep in front of the TV. Brian's head was resting on Ruby's shoulder, and her head was resting on his. Both looked so peaceful they didn't want to disturb them. Ruth simply took the remote out of Brian's hand and placed it on the table. Harold came with two blankets he placed upon them, and two pillows he put on the table before them. Ruth and Harold kissed Brian's and Ruby's forehead before smiling and going to bed. 

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