Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Celeste

"Percy, no." Celeste said, crossing her arms over her chest.

The cool, New York air blew her hair back through her face, causing her to have to constantly push it back. She was staring at Percy, giving him a look that hopefully looked intimidating.

Based on his mischievous grin, however, she knew there was no convincing him.

"Come on Celeste, how bad could it be?" He asked, lightly shoving her.

She stared into him harder, hoping to send her new goddess energy into him so she could scare him out of the idea.

It still wasn't working.

What was the point of being a goddess if you couldn't even convince your brother to do something?

"She could throw me out! Again!" Celeste protested.

Percy gave her a sympathetic look and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it'll be alright. I'll be right behind you," He said. "Besides, I haven't seen her in awhile either."

Celeste stared into her brother's deep, sea green eyes. He was pleading with her now.

Sighing, she nodded, giving in to the pressure he was putting on her.

His smiled widened and he grabbed her arm and yanked her forward towards the building.

They got inside and used the elevator to get to the correct floor.

When they reached the door of the apartment however, Celeste hesitated when Percy reached over to knock.

She grabbed his wrist, causing him to jump and look back at her over his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Concern began to show in his expression, and Celeste averted her eyes. She hated seeing him worrying about her.

"Nothing, I just..." She fumbled for words. "I don't know if I can."

Shaking off Celeste's grip on his wrist, Percy turned to face his sister.

He placed both of his hands on her shoulders and stared her directly in the eye.

"Celeste. You have done too much in your life to be scared of this little trip. You can do this." He said.

Celeste nodded, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.

Percy then walked to the door and knocked.

Almost as soon as his fist hit the door, it swung open, revealing a woman with brown disheveled hair. She was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

In the background, Celeste could make out a figure of a man. He was standing, watching from the other room, looking to see who was at the door.

When the woman appeared, her eyes widened in a mix of emotions.

Shock. Happiness. Relief. Anxiety.

She rushed forward and gathered Percy into a lung-crushing hug. However, Percy didn't seem to mind.

He hugged the woman back, even tighter. And then Celeste realized.

"Oh gods. It's her." She thought.

When Percy and Sally finally released, Sally finally spoke. "Oh Percy. Where have you been!?"

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