Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 - Sadie

Sadie could see the worry in Percy's eyes as they walked towards the Empire State Building.

In fact, she was pretty sure that the same look of worry was plastered over her own face as well.

The walking and the silence seemed to stretch on forever. Sadie hoped that the others had been able to make it to the other camps to awaken the other demigods from their mind prisons.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the Empire State Building loomed over Percy and Sadie as they got closer to it.

Manhattan, normally busy and bustling with life, was now dead silent as all the mortals laid on the ground in their death-like state.

Percy looked pale as he looked at the mortals, as if he knew some of them. Maybe he did. Sadie didn't think she should ask.

As they approached the building, they noticed a dark looming cloud hovering over the top of the building. Quickly, Percy opened the doors and stalked inside, Sadie on his heels.

They passed by all the unconscious tourist mortals and made their way to the elevator.

Percy, still not having uttered a single word as they entered the elevator, pressed a button that had the number 600 on it.

Sadie's eyes widened. She was pretty sure the Empire State Building wasn't that tall.

When she looked over at Percy, he looked unfazed by the fact that they were going to an inexistent floor.

The elevator began to move and that was when Sadie actually began to question why they were going to the Empire State Building. Why was it so important?

"Percy, um, so where exactly are we going?" Sadie asked.

"Well, Olympus is on the 600th floor but recently it disappeared. The gods are nowhere to be found. No one's made contact with them since before this whole thing started. But I know Celeste, Walt, and Celeste's clone are here. Celeste spoke to me in my mind." Percy explained in a monotone.

"Spoke to you in your mind!? How?" Sadie asked incredulously.

Percy shrugged. "I have no idea. But you can ask her if you want."

The elevator jerked to a stop and Percy winced as his already twisted ankle turned unnaturally.

"Are you going to be okay with that ankle?" Sadie asked.

"I've been fine this whole time. It's nothing." Percy said.

Sadie sighed and nodded.

Then Percy gasped and grasped his head, sinking slowly to the ground.

"Percy, what's wrong? Is it Celeste?" Sadie asked nervously.

Percy nodded weakly and then released a relieved breath when his headache ended.

"She was telling me where she was. Apparently Olympus is back and Celeste, Celeste's clone, and Walt are in the god's throne room."

"What about the gods? And not just the Greeks, but the Egyptians and the Romans?" Sadie asked.

Sadie had a few godly friends and her heart felt as if it was being stabbed at the thought of them dying.

"I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure they're not here. Come on, we have to hurry." Percy said. He got to his feet and pressed the open door button on the elevator.

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