The Institution

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Chapter 1

The Institution

"Your attention, please !", said the Headmistress from the Head table to her students, just after the Sorting Ceremony had finished.

Truth be told, the first years were still scarred of Severus Snape from the moment he welcomed them into the Castle, to the moment he put the Sorting Hat on their heads.

Everyone looked up.

"I would like to welcome everyone for a new exciting year at Hogwarts. We have some change in the staff this year. Miss Granger here, has kindly agreed to take the post of Transfiguration Mistress, as a full time position."

Everyone was delighted. Even the first years clapped, they already liked the young woman who stood up once the Headmistress had spoken her name.

"Furthermore", the Headmistress continued, "I am delighted to announce that the position of Head of Gryffindor House will be taken as from this moment, by none other than also our Miss Hermione Granger!"

Cheerings were heard and seen not only from Gryffindors, but also from the other houses who really liked Hermione Granger, who has been until now an apprentice under Minerva McGonagall.

From the Head table, the teachers could clearly hear all the excited first years: "Is she really THE...Hermione Granger ?", "Wow, I've heard she was the brains of the war", "Is she still the girlfriend of Ronald Weasley ?", said an excited first year boy. "No, she broke up with him after the war" answered a 5th year, "wanna have a go at her? " and everyone around laughed.

Hermione Granger laughed as well.

The Headmistress, however, had lost her smile.

She could still remember that day. 2nd of May. End of the war. They won. The Golden Trio had returned into the Castle and she saw it. Ronald and Hermione holding hands.

"Everything all right, Headmistress ?", Hermione almost whispered.

"Yes, Miss Granger. May I see you in my office, after dinner ?", came the response of a very formal McGonagall.

Hermione nodded.

The two of them grew very close over the years, but neither of them had ever had the courage to call the other by her given name. Hermione considered there was a matter of respect, while the Headmistress...well, the Headmistress really needed to put space between them, for her own good.


The Headmistress waited for Hermione. It might have been 5 minutes after she finished her own dinner, but it seemed like hours.

A knock on the door made her heart stop for a second.

"Come in.", she said in a plain voice.

Hermione entered and she saw Minerva at her office, with her usual stoic figure looking upon her.

"Miss Granger, before you start your position here tomorrow, there is something I need to ask".

Oh God, don't let it be THAT, she thought to herself. "Yes, anything."

"I need to know if you need anything else, Miss Granger. Is everything to your liking ? Your office, your quarters, ... ?"

That went well... "Yes, I love everything, Headmistress, and I could not ask for more."

"You should. If you ever find yourself in need of anything, material or advise-wise, I am at your disposal", said Minerva trying to look plain, but excruciating inside after having looked into those chocolate eyes.

Well, there might be something...I... "No, Professor, thank you, for the moment, everything is perfect. Would that be all ?"

"Yes, I will see you tomorrow morning for breakfast, Miss Granger".

And she was gone.

Minerva allowed herself to close her eyes for a second, but she was quickly bothered by a voice she knew all too well.

"So ?"

"God dammit, Albus, I can't have a moment of peace with you hanging around that portrait all day long !", said an exasperated Minerva.

"Well, I have gained the right to be hanged here... so, when are you going to do something about it ?"

"Bugger off", came the answer of the Headmistress who immediately took off to her private quarters, where she indulged into a perfectly flavored red wine, she so much needed.

Just as she entered her quarters, Hermione found her owl on her sofa with a letter.

"My dear Hermione,

How did it go ? Hope everyone received you as you deserve it.

What about her ? Harry has been insisting I tell you to come out and to go talk to her.

Funny enough, Ron has been insisting I tell you that he's gonna tell her himself if you don't.

Not to worry, I told him I'd hex he's bollocks off if he did, but really, 'Mione... what are you planning on doing ?

Love you always,


Really... what was she planning to do ?


Thanks a lot, yes, it went very well. Funny stuff from 1st years who couldn't believe it was me, but everything was ok.

She is being... well, as always... I don't know if I can do something in the next period. I am not ready.

And yes, tell Ron that I'll also hex him into the next century if he ever even thinks of something like that.

Love you forever,


And with that, she went to sleep. Couldn't, but tried.


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