I'm Game

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Chapter 6

I'm Game

As Hermione showered, she thought of what Ron said 10 minutes ago.

It did not sound that bad and even Ginny agreed with him. It took Harry a bit of time to process it all, but eventually, he too, agreed that Ron's idea was nothing but brilliant.

An owl had just left a letter on the Headmistress' plate when Hermione entered the Great Hall.

"Rosmerta says she is waiting for us after breakfast.", she said.

Hermione took her sit and as Minerva turned to her, the girl quickly turned to talk to Neville.

"I'm game", quickly said Pomona.

"Me too", hurried Neville to reply.

"Hermione, my dear, would you like to go ?", Minerva asked, interrupting Hermione's thoughts.

"Where ? Oh, sorry... Rosmerta... hmm... are YOU going, Minerva ?"

"Yes, a bit of fresh air never harmed anyone."

"Minerva, love, if you, for a split second, vision myself walking to Hogsmeade under such temperatures, I might just consider to have some mental healers from St. Mungo's come check up on you.", said Severus not even turning to look at the Headmistress.

"That's right", commented Sybill, "you might be able to apparate from the Castle, but we are not all Headmasters. And I will not walk either."

"Calm yourselves down. We will walk together until we quit the grounds and then, we apparate from there. And you do sound like muggles: do I have to send you all to first year to take Charm classes and learn a simple warming spell ?"

Hermione returned to her breakfast, without telling Minerva what she planned to do.

Minerva patiently waited for a sign of the girl during the entire breakfast.

Nothing came.

As they were walking on the grounds, each paired in small groups, Hermione passed by Minerva, without acknowledging her, being too busy in laughing at Sybill's predictions about how will Neville and Pomona's marriage go.

Minerva, however, did see her. She did take in a good look of Hermione's small hips, unfortunately now hidden by some light blue jeans... Stop it !

"Minerva, my dear !", the voice of a very happy Rosmerta was heard in all the alley.

"Rosmerta, darling ! Get us inside, some of us are freezing."

"What are you ? First years ? Don't you know how to use your wand ?", Rosmerta laughed motioning for them to enter.

As Minerva took her sit, trying to locate Hermione, she was almost startled when the girl immediately occupied the sit next to her.

"Are you alright, my dear ?"

"Yes, Minerva... just sleepy." Hermione answered. "May I rest... against your shoulder ?", she asked slowly biting her lower lip.

Before Minerva could formulate an answer, Hermione turned and started asking Severus about his sleepless night.

What is she playing at ? Merlin, she is so beautiful... This girl will be the end of me...

"How is Ronald, my dear ?", Rosmerta asked Hermione as she was handing her a cup of hot chocolate.

"Oh... well, still crushing on you !", Hermione said laughing.

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