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Chapter 7


As the months passed, Hermione and Minerva found themselves more and more unsure. Not about their feelings, but the two heroines did not want to make fools of themselves, by being rejected and, more importantly, they feared rejection because it might create an unnecessary tension between the two friends.

Both missed their week at Hermione's parents and both missed sleeping together, but none had the courage to bring it up or ask for it while they were at Hogwarts.

"Minerva, I need to talk talk to you !"

"Take a sit", Minerva said handing Hermione a cup of tea.

" Look, I just received an owl from Ilvermony. They want me to go there for one month, to teach Transfiguration."

"And why do you look like that ? You don't want to go ?"

"I do, but..." I will miss you, Hermione thought. "Would you agree to it ? I mean... you would have to take all my classes for that month and... "

"It wouldn't be the first time I teach, would it ? You can go, Hermione. It will do you good to develop your relations... Only make sure you don't find yourself a lover there and leave us for good.", trailed Minerva, unsure if her facial traits have shown how she really felt about the idea.

"Never !"


One day before her departure, Hermione handed a book to Minerva.

It was very light, a dark brown wood cover on it.

"Thank you, but what is it ? Like a journal ?", asked Minerva opening it and only seeing blank parchment pages.

"It is more of a... well, I also have one. It will help us get in touch quicker. It is a new product of the twins. I agreed to give it a try for them. I have to perform a spell and then, no matter where we are in the world, we can write to each other. Whatever I write in my book, appears on yours. After you read it, you can tap the messages with your wand twice and they disappear, if you have no space left."

"What if someone else gets the book and reads the messages ?"

"They will only see Transfiguration notes, the book will be bound to you if I perform the spell."

"Fine", smiled Minerva. "Perform the spell."

"Really ? Would you like us to keep in touch like that ? What if I pester you every night with long chats ?", said Hermione playfully.

"Explain to me how would that be any different from now."

Hermione took both books, opened them at the midlle and turned them to face each other and put them together on the table, Minerva's on the bottom and hers, on top of Minerva's.

Touching hers with the wand, she spelled an incantation that Minerva did not quite hear, but she was sure that the girl had pronounced her name.

"Done", she said, as golden light was coming out of the 2 books.


On the 22nd of March, the Headmistress was in her office reading the reply that the Minister for Magic had sent her. Good news, finally. They would all get Ministry bonuses on their incomes.

Professor Granger had left Hogwarts the very same morning, to go to America.

Once she has folded the paper, deciding on sending the required information to the Ministry, by the next morning, the Book had started emitting some soft golden light.

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