Back to School

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Chapter 8

Back To School

"Welcome back, Hermione ! You have to tell us everything over breakfast !" said Pomona.

"I'm heading there."

"Neville will be so glad to see you !", the Herbology teacher said.

When she stepped into the Great Hall, by the back entrance, she saw Minerva almost finished her breakfast.

"Good morning everyone", she greeted.

Everyone was so glad she was back. Even the students. Everyone except... the Headmistress.

"Lover's fight ?"

" What do you mean, Neville ?"

"Are you and the Headmistress... currently in a fight ? She seems to avoid you.. and so do you !"

"No, Neville... I'm just tired !"


A week had passed and they were still not talking to each other.

As she was fulfilling a detention with a Ravenclaw boy, her owl entered the office.

Hermione, if convenable, come see me at once.


"Mister Northington, your detention is over. Please return to your dormitory at once and let that be a lesson to you !"


Headmistress McGonagall was known for many things. But one thing was for sure. She never liked to lose time. Too precious.

As soon as Hermione was seated on the sofa in Minerva's quarters, with a rather confused look, she begun.

"What do you want from me ?"

In the split of a second, Hermione became defensive.

"What do you mean ?"

"You said you wanted to be more than a friend to me. Then, you stop writing and you barely aknowledge me. So... I ask again: what do you want from me ?"

"Is that so ? You could have also written to me if you wanted. Don't blame me."

"I remember that you were the one supposed to elaborate your thoughts. I am here and I'm not going anywhere. So... feel free to... expand your thoughts and feelings on the matter."

Hermione felt that Minerva was making fun of her.

"I'm done talking to you.", she said leaving Minerva's quarters.

Minerva couldn't believe it. The nerves the girl had...

Was she playing hard ?

Fine. Two could play that game.


Later that evening, Hermione was waiting in her room for a reply.

She had written to Ron, Ginny and Harry, who somehow always seemed to floo each other.

She was trying to enjoy some tea when Ron's owl arrived.


From what you told us, we believe that she wants to make things clear.

Sometimes, it seems like she wants more, sometimes, it seems like she only wants to be friends. Maybe she's confused, says Ginny, and needs to know what exactly you want from her.

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