The New Year's Eve

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Chapter 5

The New Year's Eve

Back to Hogwarts, everything seemed to be fine.

The Christmas ball did not go unnoticed. Well, it was just a Christmas Ball, but both Hermione and Minerva wished that night was their first together, while secretly looking upon each other, when the other was not aware, and taking in a good look of the magic that surrounded them.

Instead, it ended up being a night where Professor Granger and Professor Snape had to take away points from students and even take away a Prefect's badge.

During school days, however, Hermione was not forgiven: every time she would cross Minerva, the Headmistress would quirk an eyebrow at her and Hermione knew. She just knew that Minerva will not rest until she doesn't know who her crush was. Truth be told, they did become close friends, so Hermione thought Minerva was entitled to be curious. And she knew the more the said "no", the more curious Minerva would be.


"Thanks for inviting me over for tea, Hermione!"

"I love having friends over, Neville. So tell me... You and Pomona, how are things going ?"

"Well, I was thinkin of proposing next year, on Valentine's. What do you think ?"

"Mmmm... sounds romantic to me, Neville. You can't know how happy I am for you two !". The smile one Hermione's face did show that she was telling nothing but the truth.

"So.. what about you and McGonagall ?", asked Neville.

"Neville, will you stop with that ? There is nothing between us. We're just friends."

"Hermione... don't give me that look. I know that... well, that week-end... you were gone with her !"

"How do you know that ?", asked Hermione in a rush.

"Well, it wasn't too difficult. I have noticed you going after her, having chit chats and stuff... and then, you were both gone... both came back at the same time almost...."

"Neville, that was nothing. I needed to get away a bit after so many years of work and she took me with her on a short trip."

"Hermione... I always thought you had a crush on Professor McGonagall."

"Ok, Neville. I had a crush in school. OK ? Happy ? But that was in school. We are friends now..."

"OK, if you say so, Hermione..."


"So, did you find out ?"

"Albus, I'm trying to gather a list with all the students that are staying for Christmas. I have no time for chit chat... Find out what ?"

"Who Miss Granger's crush was."

"Albus...", said Minerva in a harsh tone. "I don't want to know how you know about this, but... no, as a matter of fact, I haven't."

"Hmmm... I could tell you, if you wanted....", added Dumbledore, in a husky amused tone.

"What ??? You know ?? How do you even...."

"But, some things are better left uncovered... for the time being, my dear friend...", added the ex-Headmaster.

"Fuck you, Albus. And shut up !"

"I prefer men, my dear.", said Dumbledore laughing.


"Hermione, students are leaving today and there will not be many evening rounds left. Professor Vector, Sprout and Longbottom will take care of those. Have you thought about what you want to do with your free time ?", the Headmistress addressed a very focused on breakfast Hermione.

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