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Chapter 2


"Today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so: 1, 2, 3, Vera Verto". And the mouse took the form of a perfect golden water goblet, with one movement of Hermione's wand.

Wows were heard from all over the classroom of the 2nd years, just as she remembered it, when she was their age and her mentor had said those exact words.

God, that woman could transfigure a dragon into a needle in less than a second, without even using her wand. But then again, she was the almighty Minerva McGonagall, survived 3 wars, had 3 patronuses, all of them being her, STOP it ! You have a class to teach ! And so she continued her lecture.

Once she finished her last class for the day and her long shower that helped her regain her energy, she headed down to dinner.

"Miss Granger", came the voice of the war hero behind her.

"Professor Snape ! Had a good day ?"

She did not even know how to react next to this man. True, they spent a lot of time not being student and teacher anymore, but she could still remember that for him, she was none other than an insufferable know-it-all.

"Other than first years blowing up cauldrons, everything seems to be as plain as possible. Of course, I will take that over Mister Longbottom's abominations".

"Hey, I heard that!", came the voice of Neville from behind them.

"Good, I feared I might have had to repeat it."

"Now, now, Professor, let's not scare Hermione so quickly", said Professor Longbottom, and with that... they shacked hands, Neville with a broad smile and Snape with a large smirk on his face.

Shock took over Hermione's face, who thought she might have been intoxicated.

"I must say I have not been this surprised in a long time, Professors!", she said.

"And why is that, Miss Granger ? Can't two war heroes get along together ?", asked Severus prepared to add a snarky comment.

Hermione smiled and they followed her to the Great Hall.

Hermione took her sit. She was on the right side of Minerva and on the left side of Neville.

"'Mione, I need to talk to you. In private."

"Ok, Neville. Is it bad ?"

"No, actually quite perfect, I can't wait to tell you".

Hermione quickly cast a Muffliato, making sure nobody saw it...well, the Headmistress saw that.

"Ok, go on."

"I'm having an affair. With Pomona".

"Wow, Neville, this is..."

"I know, she was our teacher, she was my mentor, but..."

"That's just great, Neville, I'm happy for you two. Let's talk about this in private, shall we ?"

She uncast the Muffliato.

Minerva waited several minutes before addressing her.

"So, Miss Granger, any plans for Christmas ? Not many students have opted for staying at the Castle this year and Professor Sprout and Professor Longbottom both volunteered to stay". And at that, she gave her a long look, with some kind of a... smile ?

"Well, not much, Professor, I have received an invitation to go at the Burrow, but I don't known. I have been spending holidays with them these lasts years and I need a little bit of quiet."

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