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junhui wanted to scream.

minghao was just standing there, breathing, looking cute, and it just wasn't okay for junhui's heart.

he didn't understand how, just how, can someone be so darn cute.

junhui was ready to fight minghao because being this cute shouldn't be legal.

as minghao was approaching him, junhui desperately tried to not be so flustered.

how was he going to function properly with minghao infront of him.

act normal act normal

junhui tried changing his position into one that was "distracted" but ended up tripping on air.


junhui cursed at himself silently for acting so flustered.

it only took a few more seconds for minghao to finally reach junhui.

when junhui had finally gained the courage to look at minghao, he was reminded of all the reasons he fell in love with him again.

a/n : I've been running on 1 hour of sleep, an apple, and sore legs so I'd like to take this time to silently wish for death.

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