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Minghao wasn't the type of person to aproach someone first. but somehow junhui just lured him in.

Minghao liked how comfortable junhui made him feel. well maybe he liked him too.

I didn't show him the parts of me
I've hidden
instead I showed him
my knees my elbows
and every part
that any human could see
and yet
he saw the flowers that bloomed
within me
and the galaxies that swirled in my eyes
he tasted the cinnamon
on my lips
and felt the silk
that covered my bones
and as he did
I slowly let my heart reach out
into the ocean
knowing that I could drown

a/n : hey guys sorry for but updating but I've been trying to improve. all the poems in this story are made by me so that explains why they suck. recently though I've been getting into photography and it's pretty neat. anyways I love you all, have a good/night, and stay healthy.

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