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a/n:doN't kILL mE

It took junhui a while to realize what happened. It took him a while to realize that minghao kissed his cheek.

Junhui, being the shy person he is, turned into a flustered mess and a bright red color spread across his cheeks.

Minghao, Xu Minghao, willingly kissed him.

The thought alone was enough to make Junhui want to propose to Minghao right on the spot.

Junhui then attempted to speak but decided not to once he noticed how he kept stuttering and stumbling over his own words. Minghao just softly smiled until he decided to speak up.

"You know Junhui"

You looked so beautiful

"I've been wanting to tell you"

Not in the ways I have described before

"You make me really happy"

You looked so beautiful because your eyes had a twinkle in them that I had never seen before

"You make me feel so scared yet so excited with just one smile "

Your hands were slightly trembling yet you were smiling

" You make me want to run away"

You closed your eyes and sighed

"but I won't"

I'm so damn in love with you

"because I love you"

I fucking love you.

a/n: okay nvm please kill meeee

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