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it was a rainy saturday when minghao invited junhui to the movies and man was junhui nervous.

he really didn't mean to be at the theater an hour earlier then the set time, but he just couldn't help it. the thought of actually hanging out with minghao made him beyond elated but also beyond nervous.

even though junhui was way too early, he didn't wait long.

ten minutes later, minghao arrived soaked due to not having an umbrella with him. junhui noticed this and immediately walked up to the boy offering his jacket in hope of him not getting a cold.

and even though he was concerned for the boy, he was shocked as to how the boy maintained to look like an angel even when was dripping wet.
his thoughts were soon interrupted when minghao suddenly spoke to junhui.

"should we go get some snacks before we go in?" minghao asked. junhui's cheeks tinted a soft pink shade as he replied with a quiet yes.

after they bought their snacks, minghao and junhui walked up the stairs to find their seats. As they sat themselves at the very back, junhui was worried that his heartbeat was a little too loud.

As the movie started, minghao focused his attention on the screen while the older focused his attention on minghao. everytime a funny scene came on, the boy would giggle and boy did that do things to junhui.

As the movie continued, junhui couldn't help but keep glancing at minghao's hand. his hand was on the armrest and junhui was having an internal battle wondering if he should just go for it or if he should just stop being delusional.

junhui decided to just go for it because he just really wanted to hold the boys hand. As junhui shyly took minghao's hand in his, he felt his heart explode because minghao's hand was way warmer than he thought it was and it made him want to scream.

minghao turned to look at junhui and junhui just looked back even when he was literally screaming inside.

it wasn't until minghao smiled at junhui and tightened his grip that junhui actually screamed.

a/n: I've been getting questions as to why I keep updating this book even if it is obviously not a good book and here's my answer. it honestly doesnt matter to me if people think it's good or not or if people even read this book (thankful for those who do though) I honestly enjoy updating this book even if I think it's an absolute flop. It is the first book I've ever written but I want to continue making more and see the improvement from my first book to the other. Also, please don't pm me just to tell me that this book is utter shit. I respect your opinion but please just stop reading the book instead of bashing on my writing. Finally, thanks to those of you who read this mess and show support it honestly makes my day.


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