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junhui asked minghao out on a date.

It happened on a school day, with junhui staring at minghao while minghao talked about how cute his neighbor's dog was. the words just slipped out of his mouth and before he could protest, he saw a familiar color of red appeared on the boy's face while he shyly nodded.

junhui stared at him for a moment, not quite believing it before asking, "Did you really just nod your head? I'm not going crazy right?"

The latter looked down at his shoes, feeling his face heat up even more when he told junhui he wasn't crazy.

And that's how junhui is now outside of minghao's house, asking himself if he should knock or ring the door bell. If he knocks, it would seem unnecessary since there's a door bell. but what if the door bell didn't work? Thoughts like these kept racing through junhui's head a million miles a second.

It wasn't until 10 minutes later of junhui debating with himself that junhui decided to knock on minghao's door.

when minghao opened the door, to say junhui was speechless was an understandment. minghao came out looking like an angel, well he already is an angel, and junhui's heart beat just a bit faster.

junhui didn't snap out of his trance until he heard minghao ask if he was okay. junhui stuttered an excuse of thinking "stuff" but honestly the only stuff junhui could think about was how beautiful minghao looked.

it's just that minghao's hair looked so soft and his eyes just seemed a tad bit more addictive. not to mention how kissable his lips looked at that moment, but that's something for another time.

junhui then decided to take minghao's hand in his and walk to the location.

"can't we just take the taxi over there" minghao asked.

junhui shook his head and responded, "it's more romantic like this, isn't it?"

"I suppose it is."

and with red cheeks and a soft smile, minghao would be lying if he said his heart didn't skip a beat.

□ □ □

minghao's mouth dropped when he saw what junhui prepared. junhui prepared a little camp fire with fairy lights hanging from the trees. minghao didn't expect this but of course he wasn't complaining as this was a million times better as to what he had in mind.

a bag of marshmallows layed in the tent and the sweet melody the birds chirped ringed through his ears.

"it's not much, but I was hoping this would be enough," junhui quickly muttered.

"it's more than enough."

"it is?"

"yes jun, it is" minghao said as he faced junhui with a smile stretched across his face.

junhui couldn't help but chuckle at the nickname given to him. 

"I suppose it is then."

the day continued with junhui's terrible pick up lines and minghao's not so quiet laughter.

■ ■ ■

an empty bag of marshmallows layed on the floor as boys layed down cuddling in the tent. minghao honestly believed that junhui was a human heater because he was just so warm and the last thing minghao wanted to do was get out of his hold.

just when minghao was about to scoot just a bit closer to junhui, junhui said something.

"follow me."


"why not is my question."

and so minghao followed him and stared in awe of the sight infront of him. shades of pink and orange with a hint of purple blended in together as the sun hid behind the trees.

"it's beautiful, isn't it?" junhui whispered.

minghao glanced at junhui and he was so happy right now that he couldn't help but giggle.

so minghao did what junhui couldn't.

minghao got on his toes and kissed junhui softly on the cheek and pulled away smiling.

"it sure is."

a/n: you can attack me all you want. I'm so sorry things keep coming up and it honestly sucks but I'm proud I finally updated this book. I'm very sorry it really isn't good and I'm pretty sure you're dissapointed. anyways I want to thank you all for 1k it means a lot to me actually (: also I want to thank you all for being very patient with me and honestly sticking with this terrible book. I love you all and please stay healthy!

(I didn't edit this btw so sorry)

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