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As my heart swells with each hello

It skips a beat with every goodbye

But not in fear

of you leaving

But in fear

that I might not see the smile

I love to wake up to

and the eyes I see

before I sleep

it's funny how it all began

with crimson faces

and quiet giggles

and who knew

that to this day

I'd still be with you

So as I take your hand this day

I want you to not think

about how our love started

but what will come

in the future

We'll have the children

that we dreamed of having

since seventeen

and will continue

arguing in the kitchen

over things like why eggs have shells

yet still crack

or how many stars

might be up in the sky

Not until we're 90

Will I allow you to look back

at the time we had together

and then let me

softly peck your lips

But for now

let's think about the fact

that today we're officially married

and that

I love you so much

Xu Minghao

a/n: I'm emotional. Today I have officially finished my first book. I'd like to thank everyone of you for reading this book and simply remind you all that I love you. I know the ending was rushed but I'll work on improving my writing even more in the future. fjsjdjdjd a tear just left my eye kill meee. okay okay but yet again, thank you, I love you all.

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