Chapter 2

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Nala rolled on the floor in agony as her cub tried to push it's way out of her.

The youngest of the gazelles was barely a teen but she kneeled down in front of Nala and said

"were going to help you but you need to breath slowly, calm down and relax your body it'll help". Nala listened to her instructor through all her pains. One of the gazelles had given Nala a stick to bite down on. The stick was splintering inside her mouth but she didn't care. The young gazelle gave Nala more instructions that she followed through all her pain.

Nala didn't realize what was happening half of the time and kept on trying to push the gazelles away but it became difficult when they encircled her so she could have privacy.

Suddenly all the pain stopped her whole body went cold and numb. She heard a small mew as a small cub was passed to her. Tears streamed down she fuzzy face as she looked down at her cub.

It was a small boy he had gold fur like his father but unique brown spots behind his paws. Nala looked up into the youngest gazelles deep green eyes. Nala smiled at her and softly said

"What's your name" she was shocked to hear the queen ask her name but she answered by saying

"my name is Mwalimu. Your cub he looks like a little kiongozi to me" Nala fell silent the two names rang inside her head she looked down at her cub and gasped

"I think I'll call him Kion". Mwalimu smiled and helped the queen to her feet for the long walk back to pride rock

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