Chapter 7

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"My what?" "Your pack" the girl said again.
"Pack, what does that even mean?" They all looked at me in confusion. "Do you even know why your here?" The ninja asked.  Honestly I had no idea.

I shook my head no. "Cassidy did you even make sure you brought the right girl" the ninja declared. Right girl for what, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. "Yes... at least I think so?" "Ugh, were you even paying attention!" They seemed like they were gonna argue. The girl with the long black hair stared at them and the both went silent. I wonder why they listen to her.

She began to speak. Her voice gave me chills. She spoke as if she was giving orders.  As if I was a soldier and she was my commander. "My name is Kira and she is Alyssa" she pointed at the girl who was on the roof. The girl waved but only for a moment. "We are werewolves" she stated, very seriously. "I'm sorry what, that's ridiculous" "You almost drowned by a girl who can make water appear out of thin air and your questioning this" Alyssa said. She had a point.

I still didn't believe it. "I mean if werewolves were real how come I haven't seen any." Their leader spoke calmly she was used to this. "We do not usually interact with humans. We prefer to stay away from them." "Well why did you guys save me?" "Because you've been chosen. That moon on your ankle, we all have one. We've all been marked." She  moved her hair on to one side she had a moon on her shoulder.

I remember in the cell when I tried to make Cassidy stop using her powers. She had a moon on her wrist. I also remember when she told me, I was just like her.

"So your telling me all of you are werewolves." They all nodded in agreement. "And now you are one too." Kira said. "So what I'm going to grow fangs and claws and howl at the moon now." Kira was not amused, she must not laugh often.  "No, we are going to train you, so you don't go on killing sprees" "Sounds fun but unfortunately I am going to pass I mean I have a family. But thanks for the rescue." I wish I could jump out of the door. I have a life...well sort of. I didn't ask to be dragged into this mess.

The carriage didn't stop. In fact I looked outside the window and we were deeper in the forest than I've ever been. I knew they wouldn't let me go. As soon as the carriage stopped I would make a run for it. The carriage began to slow down but all I could see was trees.

Suddenly we walked through something. And there were no longer trees. I saw a cabin. It looked old and small. How can they fit four girls in there. Alyssa and Cassidy got out first. I followed. Kira walked out. But instead of heading to the cabin. I ran.

I didn't bother to look back to see who was chasing me. I kept running. I would continue to run until I would get back to my village. I would find my family and I would move far away from here.  I kept running until all of a sudden I was blasted back. The girls walked up to me. They knew this was going to happen.

I slowly stood back up. My head was throbbing. I touched the air and it glowed purple. It formed a dome all around the cabin. It's a force field. I couldn't leave. There's no way out. Something or someone must be controlling the force field.

Kira's eyes glowed purple and she smirked.
"Did you think it was that easy, what part of we are going to train you did you not understand!" I was not afraid of her. So what she can make a force field. "Who made you in charge" I snapped back . " I am your leader, and if your smart you will chose your next words very carefully" The other girls stared at me horrified.

She tried to threaten me but all I saw was pain. This girl is used to people following her orders. But not me. " Your not my leader and I didn't ask for any of this. I don't want any of this. Give someone else this freaky life. Anyone but me. " I was going to see my family with or without her consent.

We were face to face . It was a battle waiting to happen. And Kira would be delighted to defeat me. To put me in my place. I don't have a place here. I never will. I love my family and I do not love these girls. Alyssa ran in the middle of us "Well I think that's enough talking for today, Sierra I'll show you to your room." She grabbed me and I followed her.

Once we were away from Kira she broke. "What were you thinking! She is the one person you never test. She is the leader do you know what that means. It means she is the strongest one out of all of us, even you. So if i were you. I wouldn't go around picking fights." Something tells me I haven't been the first one to question Kira. 

We entered the cabin it was dusty and dirty, this can't possibly be where they live. The cabin only had one room. There was a bed with ripped pillows. A black dresser which was chipped and had stains on it. There was desk but it looked like it was going to collapse.  "Is this my room!" Alyssa's laughed. "No, this is just to make it look like nobody lives here, incase someone finds this place." "Our actually home is in here." She moved the bed and there was a small trap door.

We walked down some stairs. And entered the hide out. There were bookshelves, and a globe. There was also a map with certain places circled and different colored pins in each area. The map was on the wall next to a calendar. There were two couches. "This is the main room, were we hang out." We walked down the hall and entered another room. "This is your room. Your sharing it with Cassidy." Oh boy.

I walked in there were two beds. A small table with a lamp in between our bed. Cassidy had a stack of books on the table. There was also a closet. Not that I had any clothes. I opened the closet and it was full of junk.

"Wait don't open that!" Cassidy came running in.  I opened the closet anyway. There were brushes, candles, books, random socks, toothpaste, lightbulbs, headphones, tea cups, coffee mugs, and a bunch of bracelets. There was no actual clothes.  "So Ariel, do you want to talk about your hoarding problem?" Cassidy turned. "It's not that bad...I just like collecting things or finding things and then I can never get rid of them." Yep I'm rooming with a hoarder. "Do you collect rocks too?" "No..I do collect sea shells." Okay, now I know she's Ariel .

"So does anyone have there own room?" "No, Alyssa and Kira share a room too." At least I didn't room with Kira. Just the thought of her makes me shiver."Anyways it is late and we should probably get some sleep." Cassidy said. I yawned... I was very tired.  I get in the bed as Cassidy turns the light off.

However I could still hear Kira's voice in my head.  I can not stay here not while she's in charge. Not when my family needs me. I will get out of here and when I do I'm never coming back. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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