Chapter 25

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He's a hunter..questions raced through my head. How long has he been a hunter? How long has he lied to me? Why was he even with the hunters? Has he killed? Like Niel? Axel drew his bow and gave a signal. A bunch of hunters came out behind him.

All with different kinds of weapons. They only came out when he gave the signal. Not only is he a hunter, he is their leader. He has been looking for me. He sent Niel to find me. And now here I am reunited with my brother in the worst situation. I waited for the other hunters to shoot me. But no one moved. Everyone waited for Axel's word.

Then he spoke "Find the other intruders and kill them." His voice was different he was broken. From loosing Sierra. From loosing his sister. He knows I was missing, did idiot Niel never tell him what I look like. Does he think the hybrids killed me? He must think Sierra is dead. That's why he wants revenge. Revenge for his "dead" sister. But I'm right here, if I only I could find a way to tell him.

Niel got up and ran with the other hunters who were heading up the stairs. He ran like a coward. The other hunters were going towards Kira and Alyssa, maybe they can escape down the other staircase at the end of the hall. There probably hiding Cassidy underground. If Kira and Alyssa can make it and free her then we will be successful. Unless the hunters kill them first.

I wonder why Axel thinks he can take down a wolf all by himself. Why he can take down me all by himself? I may be an animal but I'm no monster I won't harm my brother. I stood there staring into his eyes hoping he could recognize me. Instead he aimed his bow at my heart. He fired, I quickly moved out of the way. He fired each arrow over and over. Kill him. A voice echoed. I snarled at Axel, warning him not to test me. I didn't want to fight him. But wild animals can not be tamed.

He raised his bow and I showed my teeth, I wonder which one of us is a killer. I knew I couldn't shift back until the full moon passed and who knows how long that will be. If I have to defend myself I will injure him. Not enough to kill him. But enough for me to escape until the full moon is over. The arrow went flying and I jumped. It flew to other side of the room. I stared at him, it was the look of a predator. Maybe I could scare him to run away? But if he's the leader of the hunters he is probably the best hunter. He must have fought many werewolves, he wouldn't be scared.

"You beasts stole my sister! You murdered Sierra! Now I will end you and your pack." I growled. He charged at me. What was he thinking? Instinct took over as I jumped up and scratched his chest. He fell to the ground. Blood began to draw, maybe that was enough of a warning. If he charges at me again I don't know what I'll do. My wolf might take over.

Kill him, my inner animal said. He is a threat to you're pack. He's a threat to you're existence. No, I can't, he's my brother. He's my family. I looked over at him, he was hurt maybe now he'll stop. I don't want him to die. I walked over slowly. He tried to reach his bow. I ran over and pushed the bow away with my paws and it slid across the room. I crushed the arrows, they snapped in half and I pushed them away as well. He was unarmed, maybe now he will see. See that I'm here. That I'm Sierra.

I was close enough where he could touch my fur. He flinched back, thinking I was going to attack. I began to whine but he didn't understand. Instead he watched me curiously wondering what my next move was. Ready to attack with his bear hands. You can't trust him. Kill him! I was at war with my wolf. I needed control. If i can control this, I can shift whenever I want. I can turn back.

The voice got louder until every ounce of my being wanted to kill Axel. My brain was pounding waiting for me to make a decision. I wonder if this happens to everyone on when they first turn? Kira did say she trained me so I don't become a killer. I tried to remember her wisdom, keep calm and focus. I took a deep breath, I looked at my victim. I looked at my brother.

I repeated what I wanted. I want Axel to live, I want him to know that I'm alive. I want to turn back. I took a glance at the broken mirror, I am a wolf. I am a wild animal. I am not a monster. I am still Sierra. I am not a killer. I love my brother. The voice got softer. I am a wolf, I repeated. I repeated it all over again. I completely ignored my surroundings so I could focus.

Then the voice came back but it said something different. Take care of him for me. I was at peace with my wolf. I gained control. My body felt like it was shrinking. I was cold and a little weak. I looked at my hands. I was human again. I looked at Axel, who was shaking in fear. He had a million questions to ask me. I had tons to ask him. His eyes filled with tears. "How?" he whispered. "I'll explain everything, later." He chuckled and I gave him a hug. I was crying too. I have my brother back. His head rested on my shoulder and for a moment everything was okay.

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