Chapter 20

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I woke up, the sun was up. The birds were chirping, I could hear squirrels chattering, crickets making noise, the forest was awake. I was too. I stretched but then I fell of the log. "Ow", Niel laughed and then helped me up. I looked around, I had to go back. I told him I had to go back before the others wake up. He understood. I started walking to the forcefield. I hope no one is awake.

I entered the cabin and to my surprise Kira, Alyssa and Cassidy were waiting for me. "What's going on?" I looked at Cassidy for an answers. She looked guilty. She looked like she wanted to say sorry. What is this about? Kira spoke first. "Sierra, I need you to sit down and listen." For once she didn't sound like she was giving orders. This was a request. Her voice was full of concern. What is this about? I wondered again.

I sat down next to Cassidy. "I know." That's all she said. She knows...I looked over to Cassidy. Then it clicked, Kira knows about Niel. I was angry. Nows my chance, to tell her Niel is a good person and that we want to be together. That not all hunters are evil. But before I could talk, she said "I'm going to tell you a story." "But.." "We can discuss this problem, after the story." What was so important. "Please, just listen." She was going to tell me something. The reason she's broken. The reason why she hates hunters. She began..."this is a story about a young girl named Kira."

She was constantly living in fear. She was always wondering if anyone would notice if she disappeared..and one night she did. One night she was walking back late, and she was bit on the shoulder by a wolf.  The next day, she tried to act like nothing happened. But a boy came up to her, she would later find out his name was Lucas.

I have never seen this boy before. He had brown hair and green eyes. Maybe he was a tradesman. He got close up to my face and whispered, "I know you were attacked yesterday. I'm here to help you figure out what bit you. I'm investigating." It already sounded fake. Why was he looking for me. "Why are you looking for me?"

"Well, this creature that bit you has been attacking others. I'm here to catch it." "How do you know about the creature that attacked me?" "Trust me, I know more than you can imagine. Now come with me. It's urgent." He grabbed my hand and lead me away from my home.

Eventually we kept walking and walking and walking. I was brought to an old cabin. I walked in with him. There were two other girls there. I'm I being kidnapped? He told me to sit down next to the other two girls. We sat on the coach. "Now I know you all are wondering, why you are here." Everyone nodded. "Well that creature that bit you, was me." "What! How is that even possibly?" The girl with long black hair, was calling him crazy. The girl with strawberry blond hair was confused. I didn't know if I should feel afraid or confused.

"I'm a full blooded werewolf."  "Your kidding" I said. He was completely serious. Cassidy started laughing thinking this was all one big prank. "You guys all got bit, for an experiment." I interrupted him. "Your telling me you took me away for some experiment!" I was angry. The other girls were shouting at him. What was so important about this experiment, that I had to leave my life. He calmed me down and all of us stopped  shouting.

"Werewolves are going extinct. So it was decided that we were going to start an experiment. To create hybrids, which is what you guys are. The goal of the experiment is for you guys to survive against the hunters. Hunters are the reason werewolf's are going extinct." "Are you part of the experiment?" Cassidy asked. "For a little while, I'm more of a mentor. I'm here to train you, help you control your abilities and basic defense." He said.

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