VII. Sejeong x Daniel

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Cheer for you
Sejeong x Daniel

I like Sejeong.

That's what Daniel said when the staff of PD101 interviewed him. They asked him if there's a sunbae that he likes and he said it's Sejeong.

"Sejeong's voice is really good plus her dancing skills is also good. She's so talented" Daniel stated.

Now after the trainees heard what he said they can't stop teasing him to Sejeong. He's shy about it at first but now that the trainees knew about it he was afraid they will tease him more when Sejeong will go to their set to be a MC or perhaps to just be an audience.

"I didn't know you like Sejeong." Seongwoo teased him while eyeing him and smiling at him "Yieeee ~~"

Daniel rolled his eyes "Stop it. You kept on teasing me."


"Because what?" Daniel's irritated with Seongwoo at that moment because it's been 2 hours since their recording and he haven't stop teasing him.

"You two look cute together." said Seongwoo while acting cute and being so fluffy at him.

He rolled his eyes again "You're just teasing me. I know you, Seongwoo"

"I am not. You two suit together to be honest." Seongwoo said just like stating a fact and an opinion altogether "You're a good dancer, she's a good dancer. You're a good rapper, she's a good singer. She's talented, you're talented. So isn't it that you two really fits together?" he said while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"I don't know." Daniel sighed "Stop it. I don't want to assume okay. I just like Sejeong sunbae-nim."

Seongwoo rolled his eyes and said "Okay. Whatever you say Mr. Kang" and then he's constantly hitting Daniel's arm.

"Yah ~ I said stop..." Daniel said and he tried to runaway from Seongwoo's tactics that's why he runaway from him and went to the practice room.

He was running so fast that he didn't notice that someone's walking on the way to the practice room also that's why they bumped each other.

"Oh no... I'm really sorry..." said Daniel. He can't see the girl's face at first because her hair is all over her face but Daniel's heartbeat is beating so fast. He don't know why tho. Instead of reacting because of his irregular heartbeat he just helped the girl to stand up.

"Thank you. I'm alright." said the girl. Daniel was shocked when she saw the girl's face clearly.

Holy Moly!!! It's Sejeong.

Daniel's eyes widen when he saw Sejeong. He felt that his face is blushing. He literally felt like he was about to explode at the very moment because of his irregular heartbeat and he's very nervous! Plus he really think that his face is soooo red at that moment.

"Sejeong sunbae-nim..." he said shyly. He really don't know what to react.

Sejeong smiled a little bit "You looked so nervous Daniel. Don't be like that. You're going to the practice room also right? Come on, let's go in." Sejeong said while looking at Daniel but Daniel seems so dense because he's not moving at all as if he didn't heard what she just said.

"Daniel?" said Sejeong and she hold Daniel's palm first "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" And then Sejeong hold Daniel's forehead "You seem so fine tho."

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