Moonlit Scales: Epilogue

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M O O N L I T   S C A L E S :


- Two Years Later -

"DO YOU PROMISE to visit?" Addy yelled from the harbor.

            "I swear it," Piper replied from her place beside Macon, her husband. The ship's horns blared, and they were swept away by the calming lap of the cerulean waves. I waved at the newlyweds, wishing them the best of luck, knowing they wouldn't need it.

            After bidding my older sister farewell, it was time to prepare ourselves for Addison's coronation. Yes, the king had finally agreed to pronounce Addison Flora Lark as Princess of Avalon, now that she had come of age to leave our house and join the Royal Family at the palace as future ruler of our kingdom. Ever since Ambrose denied the position, which I am still not sure abides by the law, Addison had become the alternative. Ambrose's family was glad to take her in, and our family was happy to see her go and meet whatever destiny called for her. Papa would live in the palace, too, in one of the many guest chambers, Luna never straying far from his side.

In fact, my mother had redone the entire castle's exterior, which shone as warm and bright as the sun at the crack of dawn, and glistened in the pale moonlight come evening. I would not miss the dull, stony mask it wore before its livening.

In addition to remodeling the palace, I'd asked Luna to help me plant a garden at Casim. No longer would it be the land of forgotten death, of souls lost and broken. Now, fields of pastel-colored wildflowers bloomed with beauty, in remembrance of life.

Dolled up in a silver gown, much like the one given to me after every transformation, except this one grander and more elegant, I had Luna fix my golden hair into a fancy knot at the top of my head, thin, curling tendrils framing my angular face.

I met Ambrose in Avalon's extravagant steeple, my hand wrapped around the arm of my fiancée. We were seated at the front of the chapel, where we were able to get a full view of the ceremony. Afterwards, and applauding madly for our new princess, I kissed my sister's cheek. "You will be the greatest thing that has ever happened to this kingdom."

She smiled before turning to politely greet her new subjects, who were just as eager to congratulate their new ruler.

"Two happily ever afters, one more to go," teased Ambrose as he played with a loose lock of my hair.

I giggled—yes, I had resorted to giggling—as we slipped out the back door to the stables, where Fate, my mare, awaited me. Without changing into more suitable clothing, I mounted my horse and rode off with Ambrose in the horizon of the setting sun. ~


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