10. Cast-out

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Hardly getting enough time to pack a few extra shells, and a large blanket for her sister, and herself. Ursula, and her injured sister were banished from ever setting fin in the kingdom ever again.

"I hate our brother" Morgana spoke, weak. "He's not our brother". Ursula said, holding on to her sister.

After a while of sulk-swimming, they were approached by a merchant. Selling various items from food, shells, to wedding veils. Catching Ursula's eye was the food. She wasn't able to keep that lunch down.

"You two ladies look a little down, on your luck" said the merchant. 

"Well, being kicked out of your home will cause you to look as we do." Ursula said back, still angry. "We haven't got any money" Ursula barked, "so shove off."

"Food is free" said the merchant.

"What's wrong with it?" asked Ursula, skeptical. 

"Nothing, that I could see" said the old merchant "I'd just think the princesses diverse to eat free. Ursula remembered she was still wearing her tiara. Morgana's had fallen off in the accident.

"Thank you" Ursula said sincerely. Grabbing a pear and feeding it to Morgana. "Did you get this from..." she trailed off, looking up to the land. The merchant nodded in response.

Ursula had remembered seeing them during one of her many visits to Gaston.

Something shinning caught Ursula's eye. 

"What's that?" She asked, pointing. 

"An old tablet of spells." The merchant said. Then Ursula was reminded of why she wanted the trident.

"May I see it?" Ursula asked, holding out a hand, holding her sister in the other arm. 

"That cost money" said the merchant. "I haven't got any." Ursula said back.

"Who says you haven't?" The merchant shot back.

The merchant pointed to the tiara placed upon Ursula's head.

The tiara her mother had given her. The only thing left, to remember her. At the time, she hadn't remembered the nautilus shell still hung from her neck.  

"You may have it!" Ursula said, unable to stop herself. Tears in her eyes, she handed the final gift from her mother, over to the merchant. The merchant kept the deal, and handed over the tablet.

Inspecting the tablet of spells, Ursula could tell it was old. Written in a language, long since forgotten.

"How does it work?" Asked Ursula.

"Read this incantation, and the tablet is yours to control" said the merchant.

"Thank you" Ursula said looking up, to see the merchant had vanished. Her cart remained. Still filled with food, shells, and wedding fashion, but no tiara. Where ever the merchant went, she had taken Ursula's keepsake with her. 

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