Chapter 2 - Take flight

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Chapter 2 – Take flight

Genevieve, or what Blaze liked to Call Gene, felt her eyes open slightly from the sunlight. She glanced to her side only to realize she was being carried in Blaze’s arms. She resisted, ready to fight him off. It isn’t every day that you wake up in a strangers arms.

He smiled down at her slightly. “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you. But let’s face it, you need me and I’m just trying to help.”

“What are you talking about?” Gene asked her eye brow furrowed in confusion. Before she could protest she remembered the mishap earlier, how she had passed out in the middle of an alley. Unfortunately, she couldn’t remember anything from before then. It was as if her mind was blank from all memories.

“Listen. You’re coming with me to the tower of cryptic.” Blaze muttered with a smirk. “I know you barely know me but it’s the least I can do, you’re halfway near death and I wouldn’t be doing my job if I just left you to die in an alley.”

“Okay. Fine. But what is it that you do exactly and, what in the world is the tower of cryptic?” Gene replied a bit frustrated. It annoyed her how this boy, muscular and built was carrying her as if she was some type of doll. It made her feel fragile and vulnerable. She didn’t like it. She liked feeling in charge.

Oh how the tables have turned. She thought. It wasn’t like she could fight him off or jump out of his arms, she could barely move. Her body was tired and her mind was still a bit dizzy.

She silenced her thoughts. “How do I know you’re not taking me to some freaky dungeon to kidnap me and all that extra weird stuff. You’re like a complete stranger, why should I trust you?”

“Its peoples job to trust me.” Blaze sighed. “I do stuff like this all the time.”

“Stuff like what?” Gene questioned. “Saving people?”

“Yes.” He responded. “Now stop talking. I’m trying to focus.”

“Focus?” As the words left her mouth she sat up a little to realize they weren’t on the ground walking, they were flying. Her throat quickly closed up as she stared at the clouds passing her. “ARE YOU CRAZY!?”

Blaze laughed allowing the flames below him to continue his flight. It was as if he had exactly what a plane did below his feet, allowing bright blue flames to be below the heels of his foot blasting him through the sky. From below he looked like a rocket ship but to Gene’s eyes, he looked scary beyond words. Never in a million years did she expect to meet a stranger that could fly due to his fire abilities.

“Nothing is going to happen to you.” He replied. “Relax.”

“Relax!? RELAX!? This isn’t normal!” She yelled. “We’re flying! Why are we flying!?”

“The tower of cryptic is hidden.” Blaze muttered. “We can’t just walk there, we might be followed. There are enemies.”

“What about your friends…” She breathed exasperated as she stared at her surroundings. “Are they flying too?!” She questioned obviously shocked.

“They are driving.”

“So? A car can easily be seen.” She muttered staring at the millions of towers below her in the distance. “Why on earth are we flying!?”

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