Chapter 5 - Drawn

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Chapter 5 – Drawn

Miss Donovan held her for the next hour, aiding her with small talk and explaining her the duty of the tower. Gene nodded apprehensively, her mind aiming elsewhere as she glanced at Blaze who avoided her stare.

It pained her, how someone she considered to be a friend, was now avoiding her and acting as if she didn’t exist. She didn’t know him though, and she scolded herself for trusting someone she barely knew. Obviously he couldn’t be trusted; he was a liar and someone who didn’t even care about how she felt at the moment. Her gut twisted as she continued to think of how badly he betrayed her, Miss Donovan’s words seemed so distant as she stood there, staring at Blaze who seemed too wrapped up in his girlfriend to even notice.

She grunted slightly before glancing at Miss Donovan who had fell silent. She smiled slightly before getting up from her chair. “Genevieve, do you mind if I call you Gene?”

“No. Not at all.” Gene smiled. “Call me whatever you want.”

“Gene.” She smiled. “Perfect. Now, Blaze, would you mind showing Gene to her knew room upstairs. It’s the guest suite. We’ve transformed into a bedroom, since her arrival has been so sudden”

Blaze swallowed hard. “Um, sure I’d definitely –

“No. Why can’t you show me?” Gene cut him off. “I’d prefer it if the woman in charge showed me around.”

“Aw, why thank you Gene.” Miss Donovan smiled. “I wish I could, but I have some important errands to complete. Blaze is the perfect person to take you to your room. Plus, you should be getting to know people here that are your age.”

Gene scowled. “Well fine. Of course, I guess I’ll settle for Blaze.” She shot him a sower look before sitting back in her chair with her arms crossed. There was no way her and Blaze were going to be friends, not after he flirted with her and then kissed Angela right in her face. No way.

Miss Donovan grinned. “I hope you enjoy your time here Gene. My room is at the 18th floor if you need me.”

Gene nodded with a slight smile before watching Miss Donovan walk away and sit at a table with several other adults. The adults at the table all had the same eerie important quality that Miss Donovan had. They looked friendly but also slightly intimidating.

Angela got up from her chair just then looking Gene with a mocking glance. “Don’t take too long babe. We have things to handle tonight.” She chose then to kiss him and walk away from the table.  Gene’s stomach did a summersault as she watched Angela make her way across the room. She couldn’t bare to look at Blaze. He was a liar in her eyes. She gritted her teeth before turning to him with a salty stare.

He spoke before she did. “Come on, let me show you to your room.”

It was Gene who got up as quick as she could. She stomped out of the room only for Blaze to follow her. They got onto the elevator only to be surrounded by silence. Blaze knew what was wrong, He however, did not want to talk about it. What could he possibly say? I’m sorry for flirting with you? I’m sorry for almost leading you on? I’m sorry that I’m so attracted to you.

When their stop came, Blaze walked out the elevator remaining silent. The hallway had a crème gold colored walls with wooden floors. It was long and with many doors mimicking a hotel hall. Gene guessed that each one was a bedroom taken by someone else with super powers.

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