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Izaya ended up staying the whole night.

No matter how many times I tried to push him off the bed he wouldn't budge, that stupid, pretty lazy grin on his face. I ended up rolling my eyes at him and laid down on the left side, reassuring Saika that Iz wasn't a threat.

[Saika, you need to chill. I'm pretty sure he's asexual, okay? He doesn't like me or any one else. I'm probably just a toy to him right now.]

A toy!!?? His toy??!! I hate him! You are MINE!! He can't touch you like that- share a bed with you like this!! IhatehimIhatehimIhatehimIhatehim-


"Izaya," I called, snuggling up to one of the pillows. "You really pissed Saika off. He won't stop bugging me and I can't go to sleep unless you want to be cut to death. Great job."

"Oh? And why does Saika hate me so much?"

I felt him shift in his spot behind me. "Because you licked my ear."

A bark of laughter erupted behind me. I buried my face further into my pillow.

"He's mad about that, huh? Is he jealous? Or. . .No way. . .Is it that Saika is in love with you?"

He seemed to be on the brink of a humorous breakdown. When I didn't answer, he howled with laughter.

"That is so SAD, Eri-chan. To be loved by monsters your whole life. At least Shizuo has a physical form- Saika is just a blade! Doesn't he realize that he can't touch you like I can?" He emphasized by poking me. I swatted his hand away. "Kiss you like Shizu-chan can." Suddenly his mouth was super close to my ear. I could feel his hot breath, the grin on his lips. "Taste you like I can. . ."

He licked my ear again. This time it was I who smacked him across the face.

I glared at him while he smiled, very satisfied with himself. Saika's fury burned my neck. I was almost tempted to let my grip on him go.

Instead, like a good woman, I let out an irritated sigh. "Iz, could you leave? I want to sleep."

"No." He retorted, cocking an eyebrow at me. "This is my apartment, Eri-chan. You're  the one who should leave. Not me."

I groaned, not in the mood for this right now. "How did you even know I was here?"

"Security precautions." He said, pointing to the door. "Also I saw your name in the roster of people taking a train to Ikebukuro."

"You WHAT!?"

"Well, I'm beat." Izaya flopped on his back, arms behind his head. "Stop keeping me up, Eri-chan. It's bad for my health."

"You're the one keeping me up, Iz! Could you please leave? I don't want you getting hurt, but I really need sleep. So can you just-"

I won't do anything to him.

I stopped mid sentence. Izaya eyed me curiously but I ignored him. [. . .Really?]

Really. I've decided that he isn't worth our time nor your effort. If we ignore him, you can sleep.

I cocked an eyebrow at myself. [You're not gonna attack Izaya when I'm asleep?] I could feel him shrug, my shoulders twitching upwards.

Yes, darling. Besides. . .

I was way to consumed with the thought of sleep for this to NOT catch me off guard.

It's Shizuo I'll save my hate for. Mother loves him so much but I love you more. My love for you will conquer hers and there will be nothing she could do to stop me.

I sighed to myself, ending our conversation. I looked back at Izaya who stared at me questioningly. "Whatever. Stay here. You're safe."

"He said he's going to leave me alone? You're gonna take that chance, Eri?"

"I'm not taking any chances, Iz. YOU are." I laid back down, facing away with him. "You could stay here or leave. I need sleep so I really couldn't care less about what happens anymore."

Izaya was silent while I tried to get comfortable. When my eyes finally drifted close, I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me. Saika twitched for a moment, my fingers tensing before returning to their relaxed state.

"Izaya. . ." I half groaned. I felt Saika deflate and try to settle down while Izaya got comfortable.

"I like cuddling, okay?" He joked yet none of us laughed. I placed my hand on Izaya's which interlaced at my stomach, and stroked it with my thumb.

"You should settle down, Iz. Find a nice girl- engage in some fucked up shit with a new sidekick, you know." Izaya chuckled into my ear.

"Oh, heavens no. I'm not interested in marriage, Eri. But. . .Know who is?"

My breaths started to slowly even. "Who?"

"Shizuo. Word on the block he's got a girlfriend."

Relief iced the crown of my head, Saika grinning victoriously. I felt my heart tense, my blood drain, my soul shatter. . .Yet I wasn't mad.

"She pretty?"

Izaya seemed shocked at my sudden query and didn't reply for a bit. ". . .I guess. Mairu and Kururi think she's hot but I don't really look at her. Why?"

I turned in his hold, now snuggling up to his chest. He didn't really care and neither did I. We know where we stand. If I was dying, he'd send help but I'm not his main concern. If he needed me, all he needs to do is call. Like friends. . .With benefits. God that's terrible to say. Basically we aren't as deep as Shizuo and I were.

"I'm just glad, Iz. I'm happy for him." I said into his warm neck.

". . .Your not jealous?"


He was silent. 

". . .You're a strange girl, Eri." I could hear the grin in his voice. "If I were you, I'd rip Shizu-chan out of her nasty little grip and mark my territory. I mean, you kinda did still. He still wears that necklace you gave him."

I frowned, my eyes closed. "Iz, do me a favor, would you?"

"Besides getting you a meeting with Anri Sonohara? My, Eri. You sure are greedy today."

"Get rid of it."

"The necklace?"

I nodded. I felt him grin.

"With pleasure."


"Why don't you come with me to Europe?"

"We could disappear together."

". . .No?"

". . .You have responsibility here?"

"Oh. . .Your brother . . ."

"Well. . .Here. I need to leave now."

"I won't come back, Shizuo. Ever."

"Take this necklace, so you can remember me."

"Maybe one day. . .We'll see each other again."

"Shizuo. . .I. . ."

". . .Goodbye."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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