Chapter 4: Truth or Dare?

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Biana dragged Sophie down the stairs and into the front hall. Keefe was waiting for them, and Fitz seemed to have gotten there only moments before, his eyes shining as he flashed her his trademark smile. Sophie could feel herself turn bright red, even before Biana elbowed her in the ribs. Sophie was glad she'd convinced Sandor to stay behind. He probably would have teased her for the rest of her life.

"So now that the life of the party's here, what are we going to do?" Keefe asked. "Is Dizznee gonna show up? What about Bangs Boy and his sis?"

"Actually it's just us four" Biana replied.

So much for a big slumber-party with all our friends, Sophie teased.

Hey, I tried! Fitz complained.

What are we going to do?

Well... we could play base quest, but you always win. Maybe...

Maybe what?

I mean, we could play truth or dare, but that got kind of weird last time. 

Yeah, you still never told me what happened. All I know is that Keefe kissed Biana 'mostly on the cheek'.

Yeah, that was a weird game. What happened was-

"Are you two gonna include us in this little telepathic conversation, or are you done flirting yet?" Sophie knew she was blushing, and Fitz seemed to have turned slightly pink too.

"We were just trying to figure out what to do," Fitz retorted.

"Right. So you got any ideas? 'Cause Foster seems like she's about to explode with questions."

"We were thinking truth or dare. And I was about to explain what happened last time we played truth or dare."

"Uh-huh. Sure." Keefe winked at Sophie, and Fitz shot him a glare as they all started walking toward Biana's room.


"Keefe, truth or dare," Sophie asked.

"Dare, obviously," he said smirking. "Only wimps choose truth."

So what should we do to him?

Fitz responded almost immediately. We could make him hail Lina and proclaim his love for her. And he wouldn't be able to tell her it was a dare.

Sounds good. 

Sophie giggled as she repeated what Fitz had suggested. 

Keefe sighed. "But you all have to tell her it was a dare after I do this. As irresistible as I am, I still wouldn't want Bangs Boy to think I'm actually making a move on his precious little sister."

"Sounds fair," Sophie agreed.

After Keefe made the call, he came and sat back down with all of them. "Your turn, Wonderboy. Truth or dare."


"Ok... I think I'll dare you to take Sophie to your room for one hour. Alone. Just the two of you." Keefe's grin widened with each word. 

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