"Sorry it took us a while. I had to pull these two away from each other's faces," Keefe smirked. Biana smiled wickedly.
"I knew it wouldn't take much before those two started sucking face." Sophie cursed her cheeks for showing her embarrassment via blushing.
"Anyway, let's continue our truth or dare game. It's Sophie's turn to ask."
"Ok, um... Biana. Truth or dare?"
What should I dare her to do? Sophie asked Fitz.
Well... He seemed hesitant.
You could dare her and Keefe to reenact the "mostly on the cheek" incident.
Sophie laughed and repeated the dare to Biana and Keefe.
Biana glared at her brother like she knew exactly where the dare came from. Then she sighed. "Keefe? Will you do the dare with me?"
Keefe grinned. "Of course. Same thing as last time, or what?"
Biana sighed. "Same thing as last time."
Keefe shifted over to Biana and put one of his hands in her hair, moving it away from her face. He leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, and at the last second Biana moved so their lips slanted halfway across each others. Then, clearly flustered, Biana scooted closer to Sophie in their little circle, while Keefe resumed his position across from her, looking quite pleased with himself. Sophie couldn't help it. She started laughing. Biana shot he a glare.
"I thought when he said mostly on the cheek, I thought he meant you moved your face away from his to avoid a kiss, not moved your face towards his to try and kiss him!" Then Sophie started laughing hard enough for Biana to flush even more.
"Oh don't start laughing so soon, Sophie.I don't feel that way about Keefe anymore. And anyways, it's my turn, and I'm asking Fitz. Truth or dare?"
"Dare. Obviously."
"I dare you to make out with Sophie. For 5 whole minutes. In front of us." She gestured to herself and Keefe. Fitz didn't seem upset at all, but Sophie was practically exploding with embarrassment. And Keefe could tell. Biana started cracking up at her expression, so Sophie turned away to hide her reddening face, when Fitz grabbed her hand.
"Well, I have to do the dare." Not that I particularly mind it.
He pulled Sophie closer to him, encircling her in his arms. As his soft lips brushed hers, he transmitted, Don't think about them. Just focus on me, pretend they don't exist. Then he applied more pressure, gently at first. Sophie knew their friends were watching, but she tried to forget them. After about a minute of soft kisses, Fitz opened his mouth to hers, encouraging her to do the same. He was still gentle. Patient. As if they had all the time in the world. He claimed her mouth with his, hands still carefully pressing her into him. His kisses didn't grow more heated the way they had in his bedroom, but it was sweet and passionate all the same. When the five minutes were up, he pulled away, planting a kiss on her head, and turned towards Biana and Keefe.
He kept an arm wrapped casually around her as he asked, "Keefe, truth or dare."
Sophie's brain was still too mushy to make much of the question, but when he answered dare she shot a transmission into Fitz's brain.
Make him and Biana do the same thing we had to do!
Make out for 5 minutes?
No, I mean stay in Biana's room together for- wait.
What should we make him do?
Just make him invite Tam and Linh over. Biana might not like Keefe like that anymore, but that's because she likes someone else.
Really? You think she likes Tam?
It's worth a shot. Plus, I'm her best friend. I might know more about her crushes than you, don't you think?
Yeah, I guess.
"Ok Keefe. I dare you to invite Tam and Linh over."
"Is that all?" Keefe shot them a suspicious look as he dug his imparter out of his pocket.
Sorry it took me so long to get this out! My family was out of the country for the entire summer, so I was kinda just sitting on this chapter. Normal updates should resume shortly.

Cognates - A Sofitz Story **CONTAINS HEAVY FLUFF**
FanfictionWhat happens when Fitz uses the favor Sophie owes him? Or when someone suggests they play truth or dare? I suck at descriptions. WARNING: mature content (heavy fluff, etc.)