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" Don't uncover your ears, don't open your eyes " I repeated over and over again as I laid under my bed with my eyes squeezed tightly shut and my hands cuffed over my ears. I began to lightly hum songs I had heard on the radio whenever my mother would do my hair, But that still didn't make any difference for I could still hear the shouting coming from downstairs.

My father had stumbled in drunk again which had became an every night thing. The only difference from any other night is he walked in on her packing our things.

She had went over a plan for what seemed like forever on how she was going to get us away from here. She had been working odd and end jobs behind his back to save up enough money for us to move to California.

My father treated me like gold but my mother like some woman he had just met out on the streets. She was suppose to be his backbone but yet he treated her like a door mat stepping on her every chance he got.

I witnessed many occasions where he mentally, physically and verbally abused Her in ways I shouldn't even had been a witness to.

He often told me to never end up like her, never be weak nor misguided. He told me to never allow anyone to raise their hands up at me never allow anyone to make me feel any less then what I am but how could I not when I watched him do the same exact thing faithfully.

He didn't use to be like this at least he never allowed for me to witness it. As of lately he didn't care if I did or not he said they were learning lessons for me to know what to do and what not to do as a woman.

My ten year old eyes had seen more then what I should've seen somethings that just couldn't be forgotten, I closed my eyes tighter trying to erase some of the unwanted memories but it never worked. No matter what I did or how hard i tried they always would remain there.

I took my hands from over my ears and silenced my humming. I listened closely making sure the close was clear for me to come from under my bed. Lifting my bedspread up I slide from under the bed and went over to my bedroom door. I opened it slightly listening for any noise waiting a few more seconds I opened the door completely heading down the stairs towards the living room.

I took light steps all the way down to the second to last step just to be stopped in my tracks " You've always been a selfish bitch " I closed my eyes ready to move back up the steps but my legs wouldn't budge " How dare you think you were just going to leave and take my child with you " I heard my father lowly chuckle indicating he was upset " Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now " My eyes shot open after hearing those words I stepped down to the last step peeking around the corner.

My heart pounded so hard against my chest I wouldn't had be surprised if it would've shot through my skin. I saw the look on my mother face as if the question he had just asked meant more to her then anything in the world, and me being her world I knew she would give nothing but the honest answer to his question.

I watched my father stand over my mother with a gun pointed at her head. I closed my eyes and cuffed my hands over my mouth to stop any sound from being released. I mentally started saying the prayer my mother taught me in my head over and over again " My daughter " I opened my eyes looking at my mother looking up at him " My daughter " She whispered while letting a few tears fall from her eyes " Mine? " he asked in a stern tone before taking the gun and scratching his temple with it.

" Last time I checked she was my child too dumbass " he looked down at her with the meanest mug, and I promise anyone that if looks could kill he wouldn't had needed a gun.

I stood there and watched the two people I loved the most sit there and look at each-other one eyes filled with pure hate the other filled with fear " You don't have to do this just think about it " my eyes went over to my mother and her shaky voice " please just think about it " He walked around the living room before going to stand by our bags that were packed, he stood there for a moment just looking at them before looking back at her " It looks like you thought about it enough for the both of us " He pointed the gun towards our packed bags before pointing it back back in direction.

" I sacrificed so much for you " he kicked over the bags " oh yeah and my daughter " He mocked her slurring his words all over the place " And this is what you decide to do " he bent down so he was eye level with her " you thought I was going to allow you to just walk out of here huh, you thought I was just going to let you go? " He stared at her for a few seconds before standing up " Do you love me? " He looked down at her and asked " Answer the damn question do you? " I held my breath while awaiting my mothers answer.

I watched my father as he stood back up and walked around the living room a few times more before he stepped back in front of her. She looked up at him with uncertainty in her eyes " I love you " she paused closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before opening them back up " I'm just not in love with you anymore " I looked at her then back at him the look on his face was blank as he walked over to the window peeking out the blinds before turning back around to face her " I'm sure you know that wasn't the answer I was looking for " My heart dropped as those words left from his mouth.

He raised up his hand and let one shot go causing me to stumble off the step. I ran over to my mother side to see her laying there without a sign of breathing I looked at my father who was already looking down at me " Sorry Normani it was her fault " before I could even say a word he raised the gun to his head and took his own life.

This is about to be one of the best emotional roller coaster you then ever been on in your life.


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