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I stood there with my back against the wall with my head slightly propped against it.

I fiddle around with some items that were in my pocket while lowly humming to myself, I closed my eyes not really wanting to be bothered at the moment but all that came to a halt when I felt someone standing in front of me.

I stood there in my same position thinking they would get the hint and move around to somebody else but they didn't, I opened my eyes looking towards the sky for a few seconds before bringing my eyes down to the person who was standing in front of me.

I stared at her for a few seconds before bringing my eyes down lower to the little person hand she was loosely holding on to causing me to slightly smile before looking back up with a hard grimace gaze.

We looked at each other before I kneeled down in front of the little girl smiling " hi " I spoke causing her to just look at me " What's your name princess? " I watched her look up towards her mother before looking back at me " Dominique " She replied showing off her perfect little teeth " And how old are you Dominique? " I kneeled down a little further so we could be eye level " Five " she spoke taking her free hand to cover her face " You shy Dominique " I asked causing her to shake her head up and down.

I looked around at everybody before leaning in a little closer towards her " I'm shy too but you can't tell anybody okay? " she dropped her hand from her face mumbling a low okay.

I looked over her tiny face examining it for any unusual marks before looking back up at the woman just standing there looking stupid in the face I brought my eyes back down to the little girl smiling this time causing her to do the same " Do you have a good memory Dominique? " she shook her head up and down " Okay on the count of three I want you take a mental picture of me so you can remember me just in case anybody messes with you, you can tell me okay? "

She shook her head with the same smile on her face " okay now 1,2,3 cheeseburger! " I cheerily spoke before making a funny face causing her to giggle.

I laughed along with her for a few seconds more before standing back up straight to face her mother " princess can you cover your ears while I speak to your mommy? " I looked down at her to see her removing her small hand from out of the woman hand and covering her ears.

I cast my eyes back up at the woman to see her standing there with money balled up in her hand " Here take it " she spoke with her voice full of annoyance. I just looked at her before propping back up against the brick wall, she stood there for a few seconds more before sighing out loud " fine I'll just go to someone else "  I reached out taking her arm forcefully into mines " No you're going home " I spoke calmly looking into her eyes " Nobody is to give her anything " I spoke out loud so everybody that was standing around me could hear " You see how late it is out here and you walking around with your child tryna find a fix " I frowned my face up into the most disgusting look I could form.

I took my eyes off her and looked to my side to see Jabari watching me " Nobody is to give her anything " I spoke more so to him knowing he would make sure of it.

We looked at each other before he shook his head causing me to look back at the woman that stood before me " let me find out you out here letting somebody tamper with her and your next line will be you last and that's a promise. " I gave her a hard look not caring how I sounded this time around.

" Now go home I don't wanna see you around her no more " I finally let go of her arm and watched her rub it " Jabari walk her home " I spoke out before kneeling back down in front of the young girl causing her to remove her hands away from her ears " Ill be seeing you around princess " she smiled at me twiddling with her little fingers " What's your name " she asked in a almost whisper tone I looked around at everybody once again before leaning a little closer towards her " Dinah you can't tell anybody else that neither " I smiled lightly tapping her nose causing her smile.

Concrete Rose  (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now