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" Damn Mani " I watched Lex reach up and touch her hair for the millionth time " You know I only got a hand full of hair, It shouldn't be taking you this long to do two funky ass braids " she hissed throwing her hands against her thighs causing me to sigh out.

I looked over at the little raggedy digital clock that sat on the small table in our room it had only been two minutes since she had sat down I'm a lot of things but a miracle working ain't one " You just sat down Lex " I took the rat tail comb and parted her hair down the middle " You know your hair ain't no longer then a grain of rice " I muffled my laugh knowing she was about to get slick at the mouth " Bitch " she slowly turned her neck looking up at me " I know you ain't talking with that tired ass leave out you always walking around here with " she turned back around folding her arms across her chest " Your real hair like magic Kelly to me I ain't never seen it " she giggled lightly bumping into the side of my leg.

" It ain't my fault you walking around here with a keke palmer cut " I picked up the comb and pushed down the side of hair I wanted to stay in place while I braided the other " Girl she walking around here looking like Oscar from shark tale don't compare me to her " She spoke moving her neck around causing me to mess up the start of the braid " Sit still with your army strong forehead " I spoke while lightly tugging on her hair " Aight bitch " she elbowed my leg before laying her head back " I hope you got all that mouth when them hoes out there whooping on your ass "

" You always talking about me getting my ass whoop I'm starting to think you want it to secretly happen " I placed the comb on the bed beside me starting to braid the other side.

We sat in silence for a second or two before Lex cleared her throat and leaned over to latch onto my leg " You know that's a lie " she looked up at me with a raised brow " you know I'll strong arm a bitch behind you Lady bug " she reached up touching her hair once more before standing up and stretching " You wanna go for a walk " I just sat there and watched her move around the room for a few minutes before she came and stood in front of me " I take that as a yes come on " I looked up at her before reaching behind me to pick up my hoodie. Standing to throw it over my head I saw Lex already at the door waiting for me.

I walked behind her and waited for her to exit the room before following her lead. We took the steps quite as possible reaching the bottom before we could even turn the corner to get to the front door we were stopped dead in our tracks " Where do y'all think you're going " Damien Stood there with a smug look on his face before looking Lex up and down and walking around her to come stand directly in front of me.

I kept my eyes on the ground not wanting to give him any eye contact, but that still didn't stop me for feeling the hard gaze he had on me. Finally deciding to look up he stood there eyeing me up and down " Normani " he spoke taking his bottom lip into his mouth just seeing that made my stomach turn, he was in his mid twenties but looked like he was forty something. Most people thanked God for not looking like what they had been through unfortunately for him, he couldn't do the same.

I looked back towards the floor feeling Lex come stand in front of me " Damien we just going for a walk that's it " she spoke calmly but I knew for a fact she was everything but that. Alexia couldn't stand the ground he walked on she always said if it was up to her the ground would cave in sending him right to hell where he belonged. I had no clue where the hatred she harbors from him comes from I assume it's for the same reason why everybody else disliked him " I guess I'll let y'all slide this one time under one condition " He watched her with a mischievous smile " We'll talk about that later though gone and get out of here " He stepped out of the way motioning for us to walk by.

I waited for Lex to move so I could follow her lead, she took the few steps we needed to take to get to the front door. She pulled the door open letting me walk out first I walked down the three steps that were barely there to the sidewalk. I stood there and looked around before I turned back around towards the house to see Alexia walking down the steps and Damien just standing there in the door watching her walk away with a sick grin on his face.

She walked pass me latching onto my arm, we walked a few minutes in silence. I looked up at her side profile studying her face she wasn't happy at all and I didn't get that from the way she was clenching her jaw I could tell by the way she wouldn't blink so the tears she was trying so hard to hide wouldn't fall down her face.

I watched her a few seconds more before pushing myself a little further into her side " I love you Lex you know that right " I mumbled lowly so only she could hear me, she looked down at me forcing a tight lip smile before looking back ahead " I love you too lady bug " she held onto my arm a little tighter " We don't have much longer before we're out that shit hole " she mumbled to herself and I could tell she wasn't telling me that but more so herself.

We walked a block or two more before she suggested that we go sit at the park for a little while. She looked down at me and smiled causing me to smile back " I forgot to tell you I met this guy a few days ago when I snuck out and girl .. " her sentence was cut short due to me bumping into something as soon as we turned the corner.

I let go of Lex arm and looked up at the object and it was her just standing there with her hands in her pockets in the middle of the sidewalk like she was rooted there.

We looked at each other for a few seconds until she cleared her throat.

" When people bump into somebody they usually say excuse me " she stood there looking at me awaiting an excuse me before I could even get my words together Lex came and stood in front of me like she always do " If your ass wasn't standing in the middle of the side walk like you were the Statue of Liberty or some shit she wouldn't had walked into you, so she will not be giving out any excuse mes young sir "  She grabbed onto my arm pulling me around the girl that kept both eyes on me at all times like she was studying my every move.

I watched her until it was time for us to turn another corner trying not to even blink scared I would miss something but she still hadn't moved from the middle of the sidewalk.

I've been so busy so updates on any of my books are going to be slow.

I had planned on updating " Take Your Shot " tonight but my short attention span grabbed me by my ponytail and told me to sit my ass down somewhere 😂😂

Concrete Rose  (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now