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I splashed a hand full of water onto my face before looking up into the mirror. I watched the water trickle down my face the same way my father blood did seven years ago.

I looked at the half of heart pendant my mother gave me for my tenth birthday swing back and forth in my hand before clasping it around my neck " Mani today marks exactly four months before we're out of this hell hole " I looked over in the direction the voice was coming from before wiping my face off " aren't you excited about that? We'll be on our own and no longer be apart of the system. " Alexia spoke while standing in the doorway filing away at her nails.

" hundred and twenty more days " I chewed on my bottom lip messing with the ridged edge of my pendent " hundred and twenty more. "  I mumbled as I continued to fiddle with the half heart pendent wishing I could be in the presence of the person who possessed the other half.

I stared at myself in the mirror searching for answers to questions that would never be answered. Looking in the mirror at myself made me think about my mother and the last words she spoke to me before giving me instructions to go up stairs.

" I love you so much, no matter what nobody ever tell you know that I did everything in my power to protect you, and remember the love I have for you could never be replaced nor erased. "

If I would've known that would be the last time I would be able to talk to her I would've never budged, I would've stood by her side the whole entire time.

Rubbing my hand down the left side of my face I slowly pulled it in front of my eyes The same way I did all those years ago. I looked at my finger tips thinking I was about to see my fathers blood since til this day I still felt like I could feel it running down my face.

I deeply inhaled trying to hold in my tears I couldn't go through this today I refuse to. I looked over to the side of me just to see Alexia watching me.

Alexia was my best friend my only friend since I've gotten here two years ago.
Her parents died in a car accident which landed her here. Her family wanted nothing to do with her once they realized nothing came attached to her. I lived with my Nana for a few years until she fell sick unexpectedly and passed.

" Stop looking so down Mani " she broke the silence walking fully into the bathroom " In four months we'll finally be 18 and we're out of this dump " she pulled me into a hug " You know I feel what you feel now you got me all sad " she mumbled lowly " We don't need that today you know these hoes pick up on weakness I don't want to have to put a bitch in a headlock behind you today, so cheer up " she pulled away looking at me causing me to slightly smile.

Not only was Lex my best friend she was my protector. Majority of the girls here didn't like me mainly because I didn't talk to them, if it's anything I then learned in life it's That silence can hurt you way faster then words ever could.

I looked away from her trying to mask my feelings something I've become accustomed to doing. Before I could even say another word three people entered the bathroom " Well if it isn't little Mrs.Perfect and her shadow " One of the girls spoke causing the other two to laugh " Girl bye " Bianca the leader of the group looked at me speaking " She ain't nowhere near perfect trust me she wouldn't be here if she was right killa " She smirked looking me dead in my eyes.

Looking over to see Alexia looking at me waiting for me to show some kind of emotion she brushed passed me.

" Aight y'all little socializing session over with clear the bathroom or we gon be reacting that scene from players club up in this bitch "

They just stood there and looked at each other like they needed confirmation from one another on if they were going to leave or not.

" What part did y'all not understand do I have to repeat myself " Lex stood there looking from one face to another.

" Nah we heard you " one girl finally decided to speak laughing a little probably to calm her nerves. Bianca just watched me with that same smirk on her face " You know she ain't gonna always be around killa? " I chewed on my bottom lip watching her move closer to me before she got any closer Alexia threw her arm out in front of her " Acht bitch I'm here now that's all that matters now be gone " she pushed pass me leaving out the bathroom " Damn Mani man up sometime you can't keep letting them bully you " she grabbed my arm pulling me out the restroom to the hall " You got to take up for yourself as long as you keep letting trout mouth talk her shit she gon continue to do it "

I just stood there and listened to her talk. I knew what she was saying was true but I simply didn't care nothing seemed to faze me nor get to me anymore " I got you, you know this but you gotta learn how to have yourself sometime too in 120 days we're going to be in the real world I ain't trying to spend the rest of my life protecting you " she paused looking at me " For free anyway " she lightly laughed causing me to do the same " come on let's go get some breakfast "

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