New Day

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We're are Quentin's house picking him up for school. His house is cool. It's small but looks really nice. His Mom has lots of flowers planted along the front of his house, mostly lilacs.
Quentin come running out the front door and what I assume is his mother comes running after him with a little girl running after her. The girl has to be at most three years old. His Mom gets his attention and gives Quentin the lunch bag he forgot. She gives him a kiss on the forehead and tells him to have a good day as he gets into the car. I wave to her and smile when he has the door open just to be polite.
"Hey!" Quentin says excitedly.
"Hi!" I say and give him a small hug.
"So, who's driving this?" He asks. There's dark glass that covers the front seat.
"My Dads driver. He drives me when they are busy."
"That's awesome! So are you excited for the new day at school? Have you seen what people are posting on Instagram?"
"No I don't have any from the school's Instagram!" I exclaim, wanting to know what they were posting that made Quentin so excited. I grab my phone out of my bag and open Instagram. Quentin looks at my phone.
"Yeah..." I say. I forgot he didn't know my Dads until last night. 
"My Dads shouted me out." I don't want to brag because followers doesn't mean much. The real fans is who I care about because just because someone follows you doesn't mean they like you.
I search the names he tells me and I look at their pages. Everyone is posting about me? Theyre asking things like did you see the new girl, and what do you think of the new girl. Assuming I'm the only new girl, which I'm pretty sure I was. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't know if they just wanted to know or they meant it in a bad way. I guess I'll find out as soon as I get there.
After 15 minutes we arrive to the school. The doors aren't opened yet so we all have to wait outside.
We get out of the car and people stare. I don't like this. I start to feel really anxious and my face starts to turn bright red. Quentin sees my face and grabs my hand. Wait...he grabbed my hand. Do friends do that? I push it off to the back of my head. We walk to everyone and the questions start.
"Are Tyler and Josh really your parents?"
"U-u-I-I-Um. " the doors open and I run to the nearest teacher with Quentin still in hand. I don't like talking to people I don't know. It makes me feel anxious. I mean, what if I say something stupid and then the whole school hates me and thinks I'm a freak? I overthink too.....
The teacher brings us to the principle. He tried to send Quentin to class but I asked him to stay with me. I felt like I was about to cry and I think he could see that in my face and he let him stay with me.
"So Zero, I see that you are quite popular." I sink in my seat. "Is this going to be a problem?"
"N-no I- I just..." I take a dead breath, "I don't know." Quentin jumps in.
"She didn't do anything. These girls kept asking questions and she almost had an anxiety attack.
"I have an idea." The principle says. He leaves and he goes and talks to some teacher. After. A few minutes he comes back and tells us that we are going to talk in the morning announcements and fix everything.
Basically we, and by we I mean Quentin and I, are going to tell everyone and clarify that Tyler and Josh are my Dads and to please respect theirs, and my privacy.
After the announcements, We head to class.
Everyone started as we walked in, but I kind of expected that at this point. We sat down next to each other in the back and that was that.


School went on normally for the rest of the day, or as normal as it was going to get. No one said anything anymore but I could feel their stares burning into the back of my neck.
I left the school and I heard someone yelling my name, I turned around to see Quentin.
"Hey. You ok? You were quiet today."
"Well not really. I just want to be normal."
"I get it. Well, do you want to hang maybe at dinner tonight with me?" I blushed and looked at him.
"A date?"

(A/N Filled chapter! I'm sorry. But the next chapter is going to be good:)

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