Chapter 1//Once

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(Unless it's labeled as someone else's point of view, it's in Taylor's point of view)

"What do you mean 'fake smiles'?" I ask Ashton rolling my eyes. Who does he think he is telling me if my smiles are fake or not. I'm happy how I am.....I think.

"Put the evidence together Taylor. In middle school, you started dating a vlogger. Bad choice for you right because he's only with you to get views on his vlogs. You feel used, you aren't actually happy."

I guess best friend's know you more than you know yourself.

Yeah whatever. Even if he is right, it doesn't matter. Fake smiles, happy smiles, what's the difference?

"That's where you're wrong my friend." I put my arm on his shoulder. "I love Terrance. He's a great boyfriend."

"Sure. I'm surprised he didn't vlog you guys walking home together." Ashton says rolling his eyes.

"He did..but that's not the point."

"Then what's the point?"

"Nothing. Just, take your turn." I say gesturing to the tv. We were playing bowling and it's been his turn for at least 10 minutes now.

We keep playing until it gets dark.

"I'd better leave now. My mom told me to come home before 10."

"Aw. Little Ash has a curfew." I tease him and pinch his cheek. "Better get home."

He groans and leaves my room."Goodbye Taylor." As he leaves he flicks me off but I know he's just playing because of the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

I smile to myself and watch TV. I steal glances at the trees outside. I live by the woods so there are lots of trees. It's fun to just look at the moonlight shine through them. A beautiful sight.

"Taylor your friend left his jacket I'll go out for a bit and give it to him!" My mom shouts to me.

"Okay ma!" I shout back.

I keep watching tv then soon notice I'm not actually paying attention to the tv. I'm in my own world thinking about what Ashton said.

Flashing back to 7th grade. Stupid mind. I dreaded 7th grade.


It was my first day. I picked out a decent outfit. I didn't go all out like some girls. A t-shirt and jeans was okay right?

I got to my locker and tried my combination. It didn't work though. No sweat, try again.

After the seventh try I had enough. I looked to my right and saw a girl with freckles. She had bright red hair and thick red glasses.

"Hey do you mind helping me with this?" I asked her about my locker.

She just nodded and tried my combination.

I waited patiently then heard a click. Before I could even thank her I was pushed into the lockers.

"Gain some weight and maybe you wouldn't have fit." I heard some girls laughing. I couldn't tell who pushed me in or who was laughing but that didn't matter.

It wasn't enough to make me cry though. They're gonna have to try harder.

I eventually hacked my way out and got to class. I was late but it's nothing new.

Going on with the day was almost as bad as getting stuck through the lockers. I got picked on, tripped, and everything else you could imagine.

At that time I was ready to cry.

It's fine Taylor. You just have lunch then two more classes. You got this.

With that little motivation I went to lunch.

I got my lunch then sat at a table alone. Though no one was looking at me, I felt like all eyes were on me.

My fork touched the pasta they served and broke. Guess I'm not eating that.

I got up to put away my tray but was stopped by a boy with chocolate brown eyes and messy brown hair.

"I'll take it for you." He smiled and took my tray. I winced and took a step back when he came back and tried to shake my hand.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I laugh nervously and shake his hand. "I'm Taylor."

"Ashton. Nice to meet you."

"Same here."

I hesitantly sat down with him and we talked.

This kid is cool. New friend maybe? I thought to myself.


I snapped back to real life and looked out my room door where Ashton just left.

If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't have made it really.

I smile to myself and keep thinking. This time about my boyfriend.


It was the middle of the school year. The bullying didn't stop but it mattered less because I had Ashton to help.

I was in my english class then the teacher stopped talking mid sentence. I looked up from my text book and saw a boy with curly brown hair.

"Nice hair." I called out from my seat. I mean, I wasn't lying. I loved his hair.

"Thanks." He smiles at me.

There's a moment of silence in the class as the teacher talks to the boy. They finish and the teacher calls me up.

"This is Terrance. Show him around the school."

I nod and we leave the class talking about his vlog. I was really interested in it and that's how it all started. Until it got real annoying.


I snap out of my thoughts again and hear a scream come from outside in the woods.

"MA?!" I rush out the house and go to the backyard seeing traces of blood lead to a body.

"Ma? ma!" I shake her feeling myself slowly go lightheaded.

After that I felt no feeling.

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