2: Mountain Goats and Flowers

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You walked down a few flights of stairs to get to the street. Phone in hand, knife in the pocket, the sun shone brightly on the mountain ahead. "Come at noon tomorrow, the best time of day to come, I'd say." You checked the time, 11:46. Mount Massive was only a mile down the road, so you would get there at approximately noon. 

You arrived at the base of the massive Mount Massive nine minutes after starting your journey to discover what was down there worth falling down a hole. You hiked up the mountain, wondering if stories that contained people falling down mountain holes and coming out alive were actually true. The parent you lived with told you stories with that kind of scenario often contained monsters of all sorts.

The peak of Mount Massive didn't have any hole, so you kept searching. What seemed like hours but was only a few minutes passed as you continually searched. You sighted two mountain goats that looked like mates, they trotted down a side and next to a pit. You carefully ran over to it, eventually scaring the goats away. The pit seemed very deep as you peered it. You got slightly closer, it continued to darken the farther down you looked.

You heard a goat's Bray, you looked up from the hole and behind yourself in the direction of the goat. It was one of the mates from before. It stared at you, what does it want? You thought to yourself. It got a little closer, you cautiously backed away. "Don't fall!" You said in a strained whisper. The goat charged at you, with no time to react, it violently pushed you down the hole.

You hit the side of the hole, knocking you unconscious. You dropped your phone, that had no chance of surviving the drop now. Am I going to die, will this be my last moment? You thought before going under. "I don't want to die.." 

When you woke up, you were still falling. The fall was now slow, allowing you to survive the unusually large drop. You then suddenly dropped to the ground, finding you phone in scattered bits from where you lay on your face. The room was black and filled with tall sunflowers and small vinca rose beds in spaces unoccupied by the sunflowers. The flowers cushioned your last sudden fall, you couldn't do anything to fix that.

You rose slowly from where you lay, still in pain from the mountain goat and the final fall. This didn't look like any kind of afterworld, but more of a civilization's garden. You noticed a hallway in front of you. You walked towards it, leaving the crushed flowers and bit of broken phone in the black garden. The hallway was clumsily painted purple and lined with blurry paintings of diverse flowers and other plants.

A sunflower popped from the smooth ground, startling you for a second. A basic, small, black smile was in the middle of where the seeds were supposed to be on the flower, you grimaced at this. *You grimaced, confused.

"That's no way to meet a new pal," The sunflower said in a shy, raised voice. The flower bent down, embarrassed, "Sorry, I'm Sunny, Sunny the sunflower. Yes, my face is like this. I'm sorry." Sunny blushed.

All the sunflower, I mean, Sunny said appeared in a small black box in white letters before you. Even quotation marks. Sunny rose up to face you at eye-level and got up in your face. "You don't seem very familiar to me, are you a resident of the Amethyst district?" *You shook your head no.

Sunny got away from your face, "Do you have a passport?" *You shook your head no. "You must be a Mimicoose, then, saying you look like a, uh.. what's the word..?" Sunny put a leaf to their chin, indicating they were pondering. Would they say human? Wait, did they know what a human was at all? "Swamper! Your colors and pattern allude very much to the mud bridges in the sapphire district. Yeah, you guys sure love the swampers, huh?"

A small light pink flower popped from the ground right next to Sunny, a dwarf compared to the tall plant. "I'm back Su-" The flower turned to you, then back to Sunny, "Who's that?" according to the black box, the pink flower's name was Blooma. "That's a Mimicoose, it wandered into the garden." Sunny answered to Blooma, they both turned back to you and smiled as if to a friend. "Pardon my manners, I'm Blooma, Blooma the bloomin' vinca, nice to meet ya." Blooma talked in a high voice and a mild country accent.

You were still very confused on why they were calling you a "Mimicoose" and why the flowers here even had faces. "If you're really a mimicoose, could you please transform into something else so we can verify you're really a mimicoose?"

You were placed in a glass box, with Blooma and Sunny on the outside of the box, staring inwards. A vertical menu was in front of you, already pulling your attention to it. A spinning black seed flashed into existence above Blooma, ready to do something. *You hesitated...

You were silent, hesitating to answer to the flowers and nervous to be attacked if they didn't get the answer they wanted. You noticed you had a strong red-pink aura around yourself, still confused about everything that's happened to you in this strange place and now what you had. *You hesitated too long. "Alright then, human." Blooma's black seed hurled and warped through the glass and hit you. The green bar at the bottom of the menu filled with a sliver of red.

How are you supposed to maneuver this?

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