7: Cattle House

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The glowing save point crystal was in front of the big hut. You saved your progress: *Seeing such cute, tidy huts in the Amethyst District fills you with love. This place is called "Cattle house." 1:24 PM. You saved your progress. Strange name...

You entered the shaggy hut through the tall wooden door. The door made you look like a midget. You couldn't reach the high handle but there was a lower one in front of your chin. You opened the door to see the inside of the hut wasn't like a traditional hut but walled with stone. Right next to the door, a few dozen boxes of books, children's and thicker, sat in place, waited to be read by anyone who happened to pass by. There was a row of nine beds for very tall monsters against the right wall and a tall black box that may be the refrigerator. A circle table sat in the middle of the room with ten chairs.

Could they have a frequent visitor? No matter. You sat at the table in one of the large chairs. "Are you hungry? It must have been a while since you last ate something, so, I made you a chocolate milkshake. I laid off the grass smoothies for a while, so I hope you like it." Milkshake? Milk... Wait, you would be drinking her fluids or another cow's fluids.

Shima walked over to the fridge and grabbed a large wooden cup from the inside. She clopped smoothly over to the table and sets the cup on the table for you to drink. This disturbs you in the strangest ways now. You stared at the cup with the familiar beverage inside, you reached your hand towards it to grasp it, your stomach said yes, but your head said maybe not. You went with your stomach's idea.

*(Hunger reduced to 23%.) The milkshake wasn't exactly what you were used to, but it was at least a milkshake. "Well, I'll be in the Kindergarten if you need me." Shima left you in the big open room at the table.  The boxes of books interested you now. You strode over to the pile of overflowing boxes to discover what might be inside.

The first box that interested you had a collection of books by an author named Dr. Seuss. The first small book you picked up about a completely red fox teaching a Knox, whatever that is, how to tongue twist, the fox eventually gets trapped in a big bottle and the Knox walks away. The second book was about this man who chopped down all the colorful trees and this little orange man tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen. Next box. A bus driver went away from his bus and this pigeon wanted to drive it. This must be a book you talk to because the pigeon eventually bribes you and asks why he can't drive the bus. The driver comes back pleased that the pigeon didn't drive the bus away.

You read a few other thin books then your attention was turned to the fridge. What else was in there? You walked across the room and lay your eyes on the artwork on the fridge. It was a scene of two familiar flowers and another that all had smiling faces. The scene was drawn with crayon, there was the yellow sun in the top right corner radiating light with a smiling face just as creepy as the three flowers.

This piece of artwork creeped you out and gave an unsure feeling of what this underground prison for these monsters was truly like. There was only one place the sun actually is shown in this desolate, dark under-the-mountain. Nothing of the few things in the hut interested you now. The smaller hut, the Kindergarten, might be more interesting than this.

You proceeded out the door of the shaggy hut. You strode silently into the smaller brightly colored hut, there were smaller cows in front of a big screen. You could see why it was so interesting. A purple robot with a wig was dancing like you've never seen anyone dance before. A tail and cat ears suddenly sprang from the robot's body in the appropriate places a cat would have theirs. The children were engulfed by wonders of the robot's strange dance.

This was a really weird television program. You wandered around the children's areas. You started wandering to a hallway to the right. There were more of the crayon drawings up on the walls.  Lots of flowers in spring and smiling faces morphed by nonartistic abilities. There was two doors side by side, one labeled "Boys" and the other "Girls." Must be the bathrooms. Oh. You went into the girls' bathroom and I'm not going into detail.

At the end of the hall was another room, the door was slightly cracked open. You walked to the end of the short hallway and entered the room. It was an average sized bedroom, rows of small bunk beds along the parallel walls to your left and right.There was one single twin sized bed that lay at the end of the room, contrasting against all the other beds. It was completely clean, the quilt on the bed looked like it might have hung in the corridors of the Amethyst district. The bed was tidy, making all the bunk beds' simple ragged blankets look like piles of colored hay scattered among the mattresses.

You heard the door creak loudly, you turned to the door, it was Shima. "Are you tired?" She asked. You didn't want to seem stupid for walking in out of curiosity, so you slowly nodded your head. "You do? Well, I recommend you sleep in the one all the way across the room. The children don't like seeing strangers invading their sleeping quarters often. The children won't be in here for a while, so you can rest now."

To not hurt Shima's feelings and to keep away the awkwardness of you standing there and she inconveniently standing there, you walked over to the quilted bed. Shima closed the door behind herself and left the room.

As you approached the bed further, you saw two dressers to the sides of the bed. You slid the top drawer of a dresser to reveal two shirts and a pair of pants. Boring. You opened the next drawer under the previous drawer, two shirts and a pair of pants. Next one, the same but you noticed next to the pants was a small book with the description, "Maes dairy, kep out!!"

This interested you now. This calf didn't know how to spell but that didn't stop you from snooping in this "dairy" diary. You opened it to about halfway, besides the entry had no date or year, the entry didn't seem like a typical book you would read, maybe a poem book, but those were very rare to come upon at a literature store, so you haven't seen or read very many.

The entry said, "a humun movd in with us. I dont lik her. Leister sed she fel down her and wil be staing with us then movng to anuther hous in the dimond distrikt latr on. shes so qiet. she dosnt tak to any of us. she onle eets with the nuns and prists. she somtims maks weird noises at bedtim,it anoys all of us. besids her, my daily lif has ben fun. Zili taut me how to spel bettr. she showd me a super big book calld a d̶i̶k̶s̶h̶u̶n̶a̶r̶y dictionary! it has lots of words that I dont undrstand but im lerning wat they meen."


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