3: Cows that Can Stand

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You stood inside your transparent prison with the flowers staring at you as an alien. Blooma's basic mouth twisted into a sharply edged evil grin. "You moron." Sunny, flowering just next to the small demonic flower, plummeted into the ground leaving no hole, as if vanishing from existence. The pink vinca raised their only petal and there appeared a wall of spinning black seeds in front of them. 

*You're screwed. It phased through the glass, the wall pushed its way towards you while you walked backward. Great, you're now framed against the back wall, shielding yourself with two arms, powerless against the wall.  "DIE." You felt the spinning seeds barely touched your hand, they... stopped..? You looked up at the seed barrier, it was completely frozen. Blooma's face was not demonic anymore, it was simple and as confused and unsure as you. 

Clopping hooves came from further down the purple hallway you stood in while still encased in the glass box that soon disappeared after Blooma did into the ground. Panting could be heard along with the heavy hooves. A cow on two legs was running in a purple dress to your location. Your menu was gone, but the seed wall was, unfortunately, still not. You fearfully backed away from the seeds, thankful for no more limited space. For now.

The cow stopped behind the seed wall and bowed down to catch their breath. You awkwardly stood there for a moment until the cow stood up, perfectly fine, "Hello there, I am Shima. No need to be alarmed," of course you weren't alarmed, this is a talking cow and you were just attacked by flowers, sure. "The flower is gone." Shima finally notices the seeds separating you and them, "No worries, I will remove this to prevent any harm."

She held up a... paw and the black seeds disappeared, allowing you to see their face clearer than with the dotted filter. Cows here have magical powers along with devil flowers? This place got more confusing by the minute. "Shall I lead you through the halls?" Shima asked politely.

Shima lead you awkwardly by the hand through this place that was entirely new to you. The hallway where she met you was very deep in length and had what looked like crayon-drawn pictures from a small child's imagination here and there along the walls. The decent canvas paintings, as you now had more time to look at them, had flowers that you recognized, like the corpse flower, and many that seemed obviously nonexistent, even from your limited knowledge of plants.

Shima kept leading you down the purple painting-filled hallway until you and she came to two doors. There were large well crafted golden double doors lined with a white flame design. To the right of it, a small, modest dark wood door with the same symbol as on Shima's dress graven elegantly into the wood. The door didn't have any handle or doorknob, unlike the double doors. Shima let go of your hand and strode to the wooden door and held up her paw to it like she did with the seeds. She chanted something that was barely a whisper and the door opened by itself somehow. She took hold of your hand again and led you through the entryway like you were a small child who was unsure about anything anyone around them did.

The room was a darker but duller shade of purple with patches with the original purple and a blue patch under a circular silver table where other monsters like Shima sat around it. They all looked like cows and seemed to be approximately ten gathered around it. They all wore the same exact attire as Shima but there was one with what looked like the pope's clothes but with no tall hat.

The pope-like cow stood up from their seat and spoke, "Shima, the meeting has already started," The cow noticed you standing next to Shima, "and I see that you found a human. You will be informed about the topic and we will continue this with the human in the next room." The box with his dialogue indicated the pope cow's name was Leister. Shima debated against him, "I found them in the halls, being attacked by the Dämon Blütenknospe. I had to help and did manage to drive away the flower from them. Please, they should hear this meeting as well, it could possibly help them to not be executed by anything or anyone willing to harm them."

Shima was given an exception, "Maybe, but I think you should lecture them on how to stay alive here, especially saying that they are human." Shima smiled at the suggestion, "Ich werde es tun. Thank you, brother." She bowed her head to the superior and said to you, "We will not be in here any longer, you do not belong at this conference." Shima exited the room the way you and she came, just by pushing the door open.

You followed her back out and through the large golden doors right behind her.

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