Chapter 8

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Isaac wasn't that bad to be around. Him and Elle had spent a lot of time together, talking about themselves, their differences, the differences between their worlds, talking about nonsense, talking about life, and just being friends.

There wasn't much they could do together, so they talked, not that they minded. Sometimes they would go for a walk, just to change the scenery a little, and Elle had even figured out a way so that she wouldn't look like a psycho talking alone on the street: she would pretend to be talking on her phone when she had to talk to Isaac. No one would question that, right?

Elle was very curious, and had a tendency of asking questions that could put Isaac on the spot sometimes, but most of the time; they just called for some interesting conversations.

The relationship between the both of them grew at record-speed, and more often than not, Elle would wear the locket just because she enjoyed Isaac's company and sarcastic remarks. It suited her; it was as if it was made for her.

Elle was walking down the hallway of the school corridor with Jade at her side, she was complaining about how she now--- apparently--- spent more time with Isaac than with her.

"How come you prefer a stupid, possibly nonexistent, ghost over your best friend? I mean, from what you've told me he's annoying and always-"she was cut off by Elle's walking stopping abruptly, Jade noticed how she suddenly had an amused smile and her hand went up to grace the locket that rested against her chest.

Jade sighed, "he's behind me right?"

Elle's smile only grew bigger, "actually, he's in front of you," the humor in her eyes made them sparkle.

Isaac laughed softly as Jade's eyes widened.

Isaac pulled lightly on Jade's hair; it was his way of greeting her.

"Hey Isaac," Jade said defeated. Elle chuckled and shook her head.

"Hello Jade," replied Isaac even though he knew she couldn't hear him.

Let's say they got along. Kinda.

A couple steps ahead of them Elle spotted Colton, who waved at her and signaled for her to catch up with him. Elle sprinted lightly to get to where he was and continued walking with him.

"So now you're ditching me for him?! You're a great friend Elle!" She growled sarcastically.

Jade just shook her head and turned to Isaac--- or where she assumed Isaac was--- and questioned him, "can you believe that?"

Jade couldn't see it, but Isaac's usual smirk had disappeared and instead his stare had grown cold. He left without even trying to give Jade a sign.

"Great, now you too," Jade grumbled and rolled her eyes once a couple minutes had passed and she noticed that Isaac still hadn't tripped her or slammed a locker to reply to her.

Meanwhile, Elle and Colton made small talk while walking.

"I was wondering if you could maybe, um; I have a free period, so I wanted to know if you could maybe tutor me? I need to catch up with some subjects," asked Colton while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well I only have one free period, so I hope that's enough," Elle replied.

"Yeah! Is the library ok?"

"Sure," Elle smiled.

They made their way to the library in silence, walking beside each other in the hallway.

When they got to the library, they sat in a table near the corner of the room. There weren't a lot of people, so it was the perfect time to study.

They took their books and talked a little about each subject. Colton wasn't that behind on subjects as he made it to be, and he was especially good in science and history.

Elle was so caught up in one of the books that when she looked up, she caught Colton looking at her.

"Eyes up here buddy," Elle cleared her throat as both of them blushed at Colton's train of sight.

"I- um- I'm sorry, I- I was just- that's a very pretty necklace," Colton stuttered.

Elle's hand unconsciously went to the pendant resting against her chest.

Elle couldn't figure out the underlying tone in his voice.

"Thanks," she murmured with furrowed brows.

With a cough, Colton changed the topic," so, in here it says that I need to find the x, how?"

"You need to move this number to the other side of the equal sign and multiply it with the number left," Elle smiled at the memory of Isaac teaching her just that.

They studied for a couple more minutes until the end of their free periods, both of them parting different ways to their classes after the bell.

Elle made her way out of the library door, she was trying to stuff the last of her books inside her backpack, so she didn't notice the presence besides her.

"I don't like him."

"Isaac I swear that if you keep doing that I'm gonna-"

"You're gonna what?" The cocky smirk made its way back on Isaac's face.

Elle couldn't think of something sassy enough to put Isaac in his place, so she said the first thing that came to her mind.

"I'm going to compel you with the locket!"

The moment the words came out of her mouth she regretted them, especially when she saw the way Isaac's mood changed.

"Elle, don't joke with that, you don't know what you're talking about," the strain in his voice said more than his words.

"I'm sorry, I-"she was cut off by Isaac repeating his earlier words.

"I don't like him. I don't think you should hang out with him Elle."

This infuriated Elle, "ok, who gave you the right to tell me who I should hang out with?! The fact that you have to take care of this locket with stupid powers doesn't mean that- Wait. Are you jealous?" The disbelief in her voice took away any trace of anger.

"What?! Elle I'm being serious!"

"Oh my God! You're jealous! You know what, maybe you should stay in my locker the rest of the day. I'll see you later," she rolled her eyes and threw the locket inside of her locker and slammed the door shut.

With that she walked away. 

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